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New member
May 30, 2024

TIU Application Format​

What is your username?

What character(s) do you play?
I play a general security member (Waldo) and a D class.

What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)

What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)

What is your current playtime on the server?

Only a few hours at the current moment, looking to sink in more after exams

Do you have any warnings or bans?


Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?


Job-Related Questions

Have you made a DCB? If so, please link

Not at the current moment, it will come soon either before or after I am accepted

Is your character NEW? You cannot apply as foundation or a CI/Civilian combo.


Explain why you would like to be a part of the TIU. (100 words minimum)

I would like to be apart of the TIU because I like the investigation aspects of RP. It's not brutal like shooting at all times, but rather engages the mind to think critically. I heard many great things from the TIU itself, both IC and OOC and was interested in it ever since. I understand that the TIU won't always be investigation and will require me to do different things, but I am okay with that, as I like to be challenged by rp elements that are not only rewarding to the player, but to a whole faction. I would love to give TIU a try, and see how it goes. I hope that I can bring RP, and do some at the same time.

What type of RP would you be interested in facilitating?
I have been apart of a few serious scprps before, and other rps. I would like to build my character to be someone in the world, and either come into a horrible end, or end up somewhere good.

Are you interested in joining TRT? If so, why? [100 word minimum]
I wouldn't mind being apart of TRT, I do not mind where I end up placing at. I understand at times that the job could be called for, but I do not want to take up a slot for other people if they really do want to join. TRT sounds more combat focused which isn't such a bad thing, and is needed at times. I however like the more passive rp elements, and ones that are not as high stakes as killing. I will however answer to the call if I am ever needed, as not everything can be solved with just words or small actions, rather bigger actions being needed

Guideline-Related Questions:​

What is a roll? Give an example:
rolls are used for determining if an action that you are doing is successful or not. Sometimes it can be check where you have to roll high enough to succeed, or you roll against another person.
What is a /me? Give an example:
A /me is used to describe an action that you are doing that you normally cannot due to the confines of gmod. /mes are integral to rp, /me's can also utilize the roll command
What is FailRP? Give an example:
Failrp is when you do something that your character would not do. Such as a Gensec officer giving D class guns and letting them free without having a valid rp reason such as being a traitor that was allowed
What is FearRP? Give an example:
Fearrp is when you fear for your life, mainly due to weapons being pointed at you. You would act as if you're real life was in danger, and comply to orders.
What is Metagame? Give an example:
Metagame is when you use outside information in character, such as reading OOC chat and then radioing about it.

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
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