W. Five's CI Application

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New member
Jun 15, 2024

Section 1 - In Character Questions​

What is the purpose of the Chaos Insurgency?

What skills can you bring to CI?

How do you treat these jobs when raiding?
Safe & Euclid SCP’s: Safe & Euclid SCPs are normally well-behaved and can be coursed into coming with the CI in order for our R&D to conduct research on them.
Keter SCP’s: Most Keter Class SCPs are hostile and will attempt to attack any non-SCP beings. Keter class SCPs should be detained/sedated using proper protocols to ensure CI life is not lost aswell as no accidents occur
D-Class: D-Class are people that have been taken by the SCP to be put to either labor or death by SCP. D-Class are humans and should be treated as such and be exfiltrated from the Foundation Sites in order to be brought to freedom.
Non-Hostile Staff (EX: Nurses, Doctors, Researchers): Foundation Staff are just normal people who work normal jobs and should not be harmed unless they try to harm us first.
Foundation Security (EX: SA, GENSEC, NTF etc.): Foundation Security is our OPFOR and should be treated as such.

Do you have any past experience as a Chaos Insurgency? After I fell into my coma I had dreams of working for an organization with a similar name but I can't recall the exact details.

Which positions are you interested in or stay in the future (Enlisted, NCO, CO)? I can see myself working up through Enlisted to become and NCO.

Why do you want to join the Chaos Insurgency? (Minimum of 100 words for this question): I fell into a coma around 3 months ago, I came back and tried to fit back in to my old rank in GENSEC however, when I asked my higher ups for guidance I was just thrown to the side and told "I don't know and I don't care". After this issue, I attempted to speak with a supervisor over radio and they said that I should be more proactive and try talking to different people before annoying them over radio. I just want to find an organization that respects me and treats me like a human and not a "plastic bag drifting through the wind" - Katy Perry.

Have you read over the CI SOP? (https://docs.google.com/document/d/12GKnlfjUPrwJfx7YEBZjWATsHiBp-klqjKKf3uVkeVs/edit?usp=sharing) Yes

Section 2 - OOC Questions​

Have you ever been removed from this Job? ( If so, explain why - This does not include wipes):

What is a /me? Give an example: a /me is a command that displays text as if you yourself were doing that text as an action.

What is a /roll? Give an example: A /roll is a 1-100 randomly generated number command used when rping with other persons

If someone performs a /me against you, what do you do?: Usually you /roll to see if the statement comes true.

What is power gaming? Give an example: Powergaming is doing something unrealistic, an example would be /me shoots rocket out of nose and explodes the empire state building (weirdly oddly specific)

What is RDM? Give an example: RDM is Random Death Match which is basically just killing someone for no reason.

What is the NLR rule on the server?: After you die, you must wait in your bunks at least 2 minutes before leaving and joining back in combat and/or RP

Do you understand that in CI it is important to RP when you get the chance, and whenever you are able to? (Yes/No) : Yes

Do you understand that you still need to finish CI basic training after application is accepted? (Yes/No) : Yes

Section 3 - OOC Information​

What is your in-game name? W. Five

What is your discord name and number? (EX: Mal#6750) @odstfive

What is your steam ID? (EX: STEAM_0:1:102324524) STEAM_0:1:114659664

What is your time zone? ET

What's an estimate of how many hours you have on the server? (Use !time in-game to see.) 8 Hours

What days of the week can you be more active? Mainly week days as I work on the weekends.

Notes for you to remember: None.
I actually still had my whitelists so i just got retrained, sorry about wasting your time whoever is reading this.
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