Seafarer EC APP

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Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
May 4, 2024
Middle of the Atlantic Ocean
Event Coordinator Application
What is your name?

What character(s) do you play?
Alan Hayes, Jack Hayes, John Parslow, Kira Tasvin.

Not really characters but I also use the SCP names - [682] Lizard of Rot [106] Old Larry [4563] Mr. Alex [049] Dr. Haselhurst [267] Brother/Sister {sarkic sounding name, changes every death.} [076-2] Warrior of Kyra (Guess I should change it to Warrior of Vo'lok now. Haven't played Able since that event)

What is your SteamID?

What is your timezone?

Are you 14 years of age or older
Yes, 18.

Current play time on the server? (You must have a minimum of 5 Days on the server)
3w 5d

EC Based Questions

Why do you want to join the EC team? (200 word minimum)
I want to join the EC team because at the end of the day I hop on the server specifically so I can provide interesting rp. Of course I do like the smaller interactions and normal server stuff, but I prefer being able to give people something different to do. As an example, I usually hop on scps that are perceived as more threatening and save killing for when the time is right. I've noticed people tend to be less annoyed when you run around having people test their luck and negotiation skills rather than just farming your K/D. (And yes, I do kill people as 682, as the rules require. Doesn't mean I have to do so immediately ;) ) There's great rp potential for these sorts of scps that get overlooked because they're usually the big bad threat that breaches and goes on to kill people for an hour. And sure, rp like this is great. When I get to really interact with the site and change up what people expect from a breach it genuinely makes all the wait worth it. That being said, I know I can do more, and just a prewritten scp or scenario doesn't always cut it. Being able to express more creativity in the form of events would allow me to bring people more enjoyment.

Why should we accept you in the EC team?
I like the idea of making things for people to experience. My main goal is for people to have fun with what I do. Should I be accepted I'll be putting in a good bit of effort for high quality events.

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Gmod tools?
Maybe a 5. I have a basic understanding of them but I honestly don't go around using the majority of the tools. (Stacker and precision my beloved)

What is the purpose of the EC Team?
To bring life to the server and make day to day gameplay more interesting.

If accepted into the EC team, do you have any event ideas that you would like to host?
I hope to do some surface and CI oriented events, probably more continuous events than just several unrelated events. I also don't plan to do many events where I spawn a bunch of enemies or have a singular hard to kill threat, but more rp oriented things with consequences more severe than a headcrab zombie horde. EX. A series of minor anomalous events pop up across the surface. Nothing too intrusive or really noticeable, but something's certainly off. The more people notice things going on and try to study it, the more things start popping up and subverting what they think they know. As they start figuring things out, things become significantly more dire. What was once a light heat distortion in the air becomes a field of flame and ash real fast depending on how they approach the situation.

EC Rules

Do you understand that your event ideas may be denied by SEC's and LEC's, even if it was previously accepted?

Do you understand that abusing your EC abilities will result in removal from the EC, and may result in a ban?

Do you understand that if you are caught using blacklisted props or models, you will receive a punishment?


Do you have a mic?

Do you have TS3?

Do you have a Discord account?

EC meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST, will you be able to attend these meetings?
Yes (May change when I get a job)

Do you understand that your steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] [NAME] [TEC]?
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