Roleplay Application Format

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MC Management
MC Management
SCP-RP Administration
Operations Team
May 3, 2024
OOC Information Questions:

What is your OOC username (ex.Rookie)?:

What is your Discord username (ex. berrybur)?:

What character(s) do you play? What are their ranks?:

What is your current playtime on the server?

Do you have any warnings, verbals and/or bans? If so, list them below:

Do you understand at any point SMT & EMT have the authority to remove/revoke or change your RP App, even if it was already approved?

Application-Related Questions

Explain your RP App (300 Word Minimum if it’s for a character RP App; 150 Word Minimum if it’s for a non-character RP App - don’t use ChatGPT)?:

How will this RP App assist in your own Roleplay?:

Do you intend to develop this roleplay long-term? What does that look like in your eyes?:

How will this RP affect others in Roleplay (If it doesn’t affect others, please note it here)?:

How will you handle obtaining OOC consent from other players before involving their characters in situations related to your roleplay?:

Please provide a DCB for your character (skip if the app is not character-related):

Extra Documentations about your RP:

Server Rule-Related Questions:
What is a /roll? Give an example of when it would be used - this is intentionally repetitive:

What is a /me? Give an example:

What is FailRP? Give an example:

What is FearRP? Give an example:

What is Metagame? Give an example:

What is Powergame? Give an example:

What is GoreRP? Don’t give an example:

What is a Playerkill (PK)? Give an example of something that could get you PK’ed:
Do you understand that others can refuse to engage in your character-specific RP if they are uncomfortable or otherwise refuse to be affected by your RP? Please explain why it is important to have the consent of others before doing any RP that could affect their characters:

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
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