Pretzel's TIU Application

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New member
May 28, 2024
What is your username?

What character(s) do you play?

What is your SteamID?

What is your Discord username and Identifier?

What is your current playtime on the server?
Around 5 hours

Do you have any warnings or bans?

Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?

Job-Related Questions​

Have you made a DCB? If so, please link
I am currently finishing it.

Is your character NEW? You cannot apply as foundation or a CI/Civilian combo.

Explain why you would like to be a part of the TIU. (100 words minimum)

The UIU as a greater faction in SCP lore is one that is particularly interesting when compared to the Chaos Insurgency or Foundation. It allows for RP that is beyond the sterile containment of the Foundation, or the reckless havoc created by the Chaos Insurgency. I enjoy how extra opportunities for roleplay are added to the UIU/TIU by its status as a part of the US GOV, which allows for a feeling more akin to police work or investigations. This is a much better alternative to the two other factions, and I believe I will enjoy it more. Beyond this, I have a good amount of experience with the UIU in previous iterations, so I am more familiar with it when compared to either of the other offered factions.

What type of RP would you be interested in facilitating?
I am a serious roleplayer and would be interested in more passive roleplay than anything else.

Are you interested in joining TRT? If so, why? [100 word minimum]

Guideline-Related Questions:​

What is a roll? Give an example:
A roll is a random number generator, usually used to decide if you succeed at a particular action. You would use it in any action that is beyond someone's usual normal abilities, or made against someone else.
What is a /me? Give an example:
A /me helps to tell others what you have done. It applies your name before an action, allowing others to visualize what you have done.
What is FailRP? Give an example:
FailRP is anything beyond your character's normal actions, or acting in a way that would not make sense. Powergaming and Minge are examples of FailRP.

What is FearRP? Give an example:
FearRP is actions your character would likely take when in fear for their life. When unarmed with multiple loaded guns aimed at yourself, you would take actions differently than if you were armed.
What is Metagame? Give an example:
Metagaming is using OOC information to further your IC goals, such as listening to conversations on Discord and applying them ICly.

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N] Y
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