oatmeal's staff app round 2 (we are so back!)

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May 28, 2024
Staff Application
What is your OOC name?
Most people call me Jordan or Oatmeal

What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold.
CI CPL 'Polaris'
CDT Johnathan Oatmeal
Dr. Nikolas Irving
D-2297 'Oatmeal'
Mainly play 049 as SCP

What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)?

What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)?

What is your timezone?

Are you 14 years of age or older?

Your current playtime on the server?
1w 4d 18h 11m

List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):
innapropriate content ("who up lurping they worm")
toxicity (called a gensec stupid)
toxicity (banned for it, 3d. shitty situation and i got heated)
powergaming (cant open doors as 999)

Last warn was FRP on 6/12/24 (30 days ago)

What is your availability?
I'm mostly available. I have a life, but I'm usually on 4h-5h on a good day where I'm free.

Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum)

I like this server, I really do. I see flaws in the server that need to be fixed and I believe I can assist with fixing them when I am added to the team. Events get heated and people start getting toxic when things don't go their way, and I feel I need to resolve that before one party gets offended and maybe begins to dislike the server. I want to join so I can assist other staff members in dealing with mod-sits and the troublesome community members.

I, personally, also want to join because these people are friendly. They are looking for staff that can talk to people and still have a friendly demeanor, and that I can do. I want to root out some of the community members that intentionally like to minge and just overall be an asshole ingame to others. I can hold a friendly demeanor even when I'm being berated by another individual ingame which is likely what will happen if I become staff. I'm gonna have to tell someone that they're being banned eventually, and they're gonna start hurling every slur in the book at me to try and offend me. I won't be able to talk back and I'll have to hold a friendly face.

That I can do.

Another thing that I'm adding to this since my other staff app got denied: I know I have been punished in the past. I know I do have warns and 1 ban on my record in the past, but I've started taking it seriously now that I actually begin to like the people. I came from a server that was pure anarchy and now I'm coming to a server that's reformed and strict in their ways. It took time to respect that, but now I do. Now I want to join the staff team to enforce the rules on people that came to the server just like me.

I hope people that are reading this can just give me one chance to prove myself even if I do have punishment. I can promise to the staff team that I will do my best to assist the server in every way I can.

Why should we accept you into the staff team?

I know how to talk to people. When there's a situation, I have a particular skill that allows me to see from their perspective in the situation. I know how to resolve something that's fair to both parties involved and still have them happy.

I'm a problem solver aswell. I solve issues pretty well.

I know when not to put my foot down and when to in the case of an iffy situation.

What staffing experience do you currently have?

I mean, I moderated on Mutiny for like 3 weeks until I left because they were a bunch of narcissists
A few years ago I moderated on Roblox servers for ERLC
Internal Affairs (Management) for a project zomboid server
Senior Administrator for a project zomboid server (different from mgmt one)
Chief Executive Advisor for a project zomboid server (different from mgmt one)

Sidenote - Chief Executive Advisor is pretty much just head of management
Moderator for For Tea & Country (Hell Let Loose dedicated server)
Owned a HOI4 dedicated server
Administrator for an R6S clan
Most recently: Head of Moderation for TMMS (To Motherland Mortgages and Severance Pay) (Squad Dedicated Server, don't ask regarding the name..)

Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:

Random Deathmatch

Player 1 walks up to Player 2 and shoots him in the face.
That's RDM.

Randomly killing someone without a reason

Define Metagame:

Using something gained OOCly to use ICly.

Player 1 sees Player 2 say he has weed in his inventory in the OOC chat.

Player 1 detains Player 2 and searches him without knowing ICly.
Thats metagaming.

Define NLR:

No Life Rule

Player 1 is killed by Player 2. Player 1 comes back in 30 seconds and kills Player 2.
That is NLR.

Dying and then coming back to the place you died immediately without waiting

Define FailRP:

Player 1 gags Player 2 while he is detaining him.

Player 1 continues to speak in his TS comms to let his teammates know where he is.

Situation-based Questions Section

Player “X” reports player “Y” for RDM, the logs show that player “Y” did kill player “X”, both players are GenSec trainees. Player “X” states that there was no reason for him to be killed, player “Y” states that they were in an argument, player “X” made a nasty remark and player “Y” killed him for it. Neither party has a recording of the interaction, and no witnesses have come forward with any more information, what would you do?


There's no proof and no witnesses. I have no info regarding this situation besides word of mouth. Tell Player "X" not to do it again. Tell Player "Y" he cannot kill someone for what someone said, specifically someone who is already on their side.

Tell them to walk away and cool off before resuming any interaction with eachother. Better to keep them away from eachother rather than having two negatives attempting to make a positive.

Player “A” reports player “B” for saying a racial slur, player “A” is uploading evidence, but it is taking a few moments. During this time, player “B” admits he used the slang term towards another player on the server. After receiving the video, you notice that player “B” in fact did say in it a greeting manor and not a confrontational manner. How would you handle this sit?

Player B did say it, however he was not using it in a derogatory manner or deliberately to offend Player A. I would give him a warning because Player B 1. owned up to it and 2. he wasn't using it for offense, he was using it to greet another person.

Racism isn't allowed, that I know- however, he wasn't using it to hurt somebody else. He didn't know it was banned most likely, and he did admit to it after learning that he can't use it and knows he did wrong.

He should be given some thin ice to walk on.

Communication Section

Do you have a mic?

Medically mute, HOWEVER-

I use a TTS bot to speak, so yes

Do you have TeamSpeak3?


Do you have a Discord Account?


Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).

Depends if I have family issues during that time, otherwise yes

Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]?

We'd like you to work on improving your leadership and roleplay.
You may re-apply after 14 days.
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