juke box's staff application

:] pluh

New member
Sep 18, 2024

Staff Application
What is your OOC name? jake smith

What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold. juke box ( sgt in gensec ) juke box ( d-class )

What is your SteamIDSTEAM_0:0:775155237

What is your Discord Name ofc.speedy

What is your timezone? est

Are you 14 years of age or older? yes

Your current playtime on the server? Your total time is 1mo 2d 23h 34m.

List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none): rdmIW job abuse rdmL2

What is your availability? all week besides on vacation's

Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum)
i want to join the staff team to make a difference and change my ways of my old self and make the server better and make the community better then ever and since ive been on this server for a long time i know what to do and what not to do as a staff member and since i play d-class mainly there has been a lot of minges in the server and all of them have been on d-class or d-class worker and the main reason for me wanting to join the staff team was to make a better name for myself and try to be more a part of the server and represent the server and its greatness and trying to show new players how the server is and the great time they will have in the server and this is only what's yet to come from me and it is the job i want to do so I'm going to do what i can and what i will do for the community and i will be the best i can with a great manner and great honor to the server and i will be a great Canidate for this team that's why i want to join this great team

Why should we accept you into the staff team?
because im a great person with a kind heart plus im very well known with people so if they knew something i didn't they could tell me like if there's a Ming in the server and what the name tag was

What staffing experience do you currently have?
none but im very well known by many different admins and they all say im a good person for the staff team

Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:
rdm is a concept that is a act of mass murder for no cause and will be taken to a admin and the admin will deal with it because it will NOT be tolerated

Define Metagame:
metagaming is a act of someone or something being killed or a message in the chat that was read and somehow the person/thing will know it after or before there death

Define NLR:
NLR is the definition of new life rule and is made for someone who has died or signed on to a different job and they will spawn with a text that says new life rule you may not leave your bunks for ______ amount of time

Define FailRP:
failrp is a concept of someone not doing what there supposed to do like the -a rat talking in a full sentence for no reason and will be told to talk in /looc chat and may or may not be warned

Situation-based Questions Section

Player “X” reports player “Y” for RDM, the logs show that player “Y” did kill player “X”, both players are GenSec trainees. Player “X” states that there was no reason for him to be killed, player “Y” states that they were in an argument, player “X” made a nasty remark and player “Y” killed him for it. Neither party has a recording of the interaction, and no witnesses have come forward with any more information, what would you do?

if player "x" reports "y" for rdm i would ask x for info but if he didnt give any info i would look at logs and see who started it first ( Who dealt damage first ) and if y did deal damage first or x then i would worn the person who dealt damage first and since x made a rude remark on y then i would tell him to not do that next time and if he got reported for it they would be most likely warned or banned if serious enough remark

Player “A” reports player “B” for saying a racial slur, player “A” is uploading evidence, but it is taking a few moments. During this time, player “B” admits he used the slang term towards another player on the server. After receiving the video, you notice that player “B” in fact did say in it a greeting manor and not a confrontational manner. How would you handle this sit?

in the case that player a reports player b for racial slurs then i would pull player a to a sit then talk with him ask if he has a clip of any kind and if he did then i would review the clip to see what happed but it all comes down to what b said to differ if he got warned or banned because if he said it without any remorse or just kept saying it then that would en in a ban for that player because its a vouge language used in a abundance witch is very bad for the community

Communication Section

Do you have a mic?

Do you have TeamSpeak3?

Do you have a Discord Account?

Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).
yes but will the staff Meetings be held in discord or TeamSpeak

Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]? yes
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Woah There!
Just giving you a heads up , You do not meet the 200 word requirement for the application . Please adjust when you can!