Jasonman's D-Class Grower App

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New member
Jan 9, 2025
What is your username? Jasonman

What character(s) do you play?
Dr. Dickens (Senior Researcher)
Travis Bennett (PV2 Gensec)
D-Class "B-Man"

What is your SteamID?


What is your Discord username and Identifier?


What is your current playtime on the server?

1d 23hr 46m

Do you have any warnings or bans?
Nope, previous one just got appealed.

Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?

Job-Related Questions

Explain why you would like to be a D-Class Grower. (100 words minimum):

I would like to be a D-Class grower because It would open up a different type of roleplay for myself, I have spent all my playtime so far as a researcher and just recently started delving into the security branch to experience new paths of roleplay. I see a ton of D-Class "Dealers" but not the drug dealers, and I figured it would add some RP to D-Block other than *get gun, get card, shoot gensec, die/escape, repeat*. I feel like with my experiences as a Researcher I can bring some somewhat decent RP to the field as a Grower, I think it'd be something to do as well, just grow in D-Block and create a drug empire while im locked up. I think that getting a new position in a different "branch" would be a nice change of pace for me.

Give a good example of RP you'd have as a D-Class Grower. (no word-count requirement):

Some RP I would have as a D-Class grower would be to start out a small grow operation, and slowly garner clients who I would slowly addict to the product so that I have consistent and loyal customers, then I would hire those same customers to be dealers for me, that way I could focus more on growing while I pay them in product instead of cash, that way they get their high and I get my money that I need. I would push my influence to hopefully convince certain foundation to trust me, while I slowly poison them with lethal amounts of weed in their gifts I give them.

Guideline-Related Questions:

What is a roll? Give an example:

a roll is an action you do to determine the success of a /me, ex: /me does an action, /roll (21) (The action would most likely be a fail depending on the situation) If the action is against another player then you would have a "Roll off" which is where both parties roll and the highest roll wins.

What is a /me? Give an example:

a /me is whenever you do an action from your character to interact with their surroundings
ex; /me takes off the guards hat

What is FailRP? Give an example:

FailRP is whenever someone ignores a fact of roleplay, an example of this could be using the stun gun on someone in the middle of combat
running away from /me's
ignoring a roll from a rival party, etc etc

What is FearRP? Give an example:

FearRP is whenever you are supposed to fear for your life when your character is put into a dangerous situation, an example of this would be SCP-049, you need 3 guards at least to force SCP-049 to "fear for its life" in order to put gloves on, if he wasn't to follow this order while being outnumbered then it would be fail rp.

What is Metagame? Give an example:

Metagame is whenever you take out of character content and use it when in character;
An example could be looking at the playercards to determine if someone is a spy or not, or to determine if they are a mimic or not, a more clearer example would be
A mimic cannot change their job title color, so seeing a "D-Class with a green job title" and going "Its a mimic!" is metagaming.

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N] Y
You've been accepted for D-Class Grower, reach out to staff in-game at your earliest convenience for your whitelist.​

SCP-RP Administration
Epsilon-11 Captain "Maine"

Discord: Alenios
"From the depths of anomalous grasp, the Nine-Tailed Fox emerges steadfast"​
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