How to utilise roleplay commands and some useful things to know

Ruriko Oki

Community Representative
Representative Management
Community Advocate
Event Coordinator
May 5, 2024

Wanna see something cool?

You may have seen some people on the server doing some roleplay. (What nerds am I right?) But let's say you want to give it a shot!

First things first, what is Roleplay in a general sense? Roleplay can be any action you do, big or small. It can range from a large influential decision to a small miniature detail. When you roleplay you are acting as the character you are playing (Playing a role). This can be simply talking "In character" (ICly) to doing actions that assist in your roleplay through the commands I'll be showing you today.

We have a few commands we can look at for doing such a thing that I will classify into. These two groups will be: "Global" and "Local". Global commands can be seen by the entire server while Local command can only be seen by those around you. Its important to remember not to spam Global commands that aren't needed. An occasional /RP should be descriptive and informative. While a /me can be short and repetitive.

"What is a good time to use a global command?"

A good example would be if you were heading to town and you wanted to inform people that you were heading to town in hopes of seeing some people active there. You could do something like the following: "/rp walks to town, intent on gathering more food since the dragon they housed had eaten it all once again". This Rp tells people that you are heading to town and offers an insight as to what you are doing.

A bad example would be if you need to do numerous short repetitive actions such as doing a surgery. More then often, others outside of the surgery room don't necessarily need a step by step about what you are doing. You should avoid doing things such as "/rp stiches wound together" and "/rp cleans the incision". These things can often be done through a simple /me to inform those around you about your actions.

The commands:

Now lets move onto some of the commands we will be looking at. First we'll be tackling your basic commands. I'm talking the stuff you'll likely use often if you are an avid RPer like me.


This "local" command will be one of your bread and butters of the RP world. This command can describe any action you are doing, no matter how big or small. Whether you need to stitch a wound in surgery, glare at someone who has just said the most heinous thing known to mankind, or simply eat a honeybun. This is the command for you. It's simple yet effective, and its likely the command you'll run into most often around this server.

Input: "/me moves to their computer, writing up a post on the forums."
Output: "Ruriko moves to their computer, writing up a post on the forums"
When to use: When describing low profile local actions that your character does. Things such as eating food, stitching wounds, and handing things to people. Or even just describing how you feel about something.


This command is essentially the "/me" commands sister. It functions exactly the same as "/me" with one key difference. It does begin the message with your name in it. This can be used in a variety of ways. Often times I personally use it when describing something that someone is looking at. This can be a wound in surgery after a medic inspected it. An item on my character that someone has just glanced at. Or simply changing the wording of a
" to fit the narrative better.
Input: "/it The bottle was filled with an unknown liquid. Its labling scratched off as it sat on the table undisturbed"
Output: "The bottle was filled with an unknown liquid. Its labling scratched off as it sat on the table undisturbed"
When to use: When describing an item or when you wish to type something that doesn't include your name.


This brings us to our first "global" command. This command functions almost identical to our "/me" from earlier so I won't go too far into it. The difference between the two is that Everyone can see this command being ran. This is why it's important to not overuse it or spam the command. This really should be used sparingly when you wish for somone on the server to see an action you are doing. Commonly used when people are out of earshot of a normal /me. The ways this command can be utilised are many. I personally use it at times to let Foundation know about how I sound over the radio and to RP how I feel when using comms.
Input: "/rp frowns in annoyance as a sigh echoes over the radio. Rubbing the bridge of her nose she clicks on her radio once again to begin her retort"
Output: [RP] Ruriko frowns in annoyance as a sigh echoes over the radio. Rubbing the bridge of her nose she clicks on her radio once again to begin her retort"
When to use: Sparingly when you wish to describe an action or emotion that you another person on the server to see.

Same with "/rp" and "/it". Its the equivalant of a mashup between the two. It will show a global RP command while hiding your name. This is used in the same manner of a "/rp" however it has other uses as well. You may see someone test on some blood and ask the opposing faction if there was any amnestics. Using the "/rpit" command allows the faction to respond with either a affirmative or negative.
Input: "/rpit Despite pleading with the woman on the other side of the radio. It remained silent as no response was afforded to the man desperate for a response."
Output: "[RP] Despite pleading with the woman on the other side of the radio. It remained silent as no response was afforded to the man desperate for a response."
When to use: When a descriptor or other action is needed in RP. Use sparingly

This command is a newer one to the server. This command should really only be done during RP involving the SW's of the server. Its a unique command to alert them to your attempts at interacting with a piece of their event or story to set yourself apart from the other "/rp"s. Only use this event during an SW event or if you have communicated with an SW to make sure that they are paying attention and have given the go ahead on whatever you may be doing. It functions exactly like an "/rp" command.

Input: "/sw touches the book resting within the entrance zone. Letting the blood from their slit palm to seep into its pages as a grin spread on his face"
Output: "[SW] John Sarkic touches the book resting within the entrance zone. Letting the blood from their slit palm to seep into its pages as a grin spread on his face"
When to use: When you require an SW's attention for an important action you are taking in regards to their event/rp
Disclaimer: When doing SW actions excersise caution. Your actions will have consequences if you are foolish and you could be PK'd.

How do I do that fancy colour stuff I see in chat?

Well! Lucky for you I know the answer!
First things first, you're going to want to locate the "Braces" on your keyboard. Commonly known as "Curly Brackets". They look like this!

{ }
Once you have found these, you're halfway there. First, put a brace at the beginning of your message. Once you have done this, you have two options. First thing first is to just put the name of a colour. (Red, green, blue, etc.) This will give you a limited selection of colours you can use to change your text colour. Then simply close off the end of the message with another brace.

Ex: {blue Hello!}

If you are using a command you will need to place the brackets after the message.

Ex: /it {white The man stands behind the counter. Polishing a glass in his hand as he stares back at the patron.}
Ex: /comms f {red Raid, Code Command!}
However if you wish to expand past the pre-determined limits of Garry's mod chat colours that are listed with words. You can use something called a: "Hex code". These nifty codes allow you to pretty much use whatever colour you wish. I have certain ones I use for each character.

Ex: {#38cc9f Hello!}

If you wish to express urgency in something you can also use ! at the beginning to make it flash red.
Note: Please for your own sanity and the others around you. Use a lighter hex code when possible. Going with a dark hex code can make it hard for people to read your messages.

When you master the system you can do some really complex chat messages. Like this!

Input: "/me takes a drag from her cigarette. Exhaling out as she watches the smoke rise. Dissapating into the night sky while she turns to look at the man beside her. {blue "The sky reminds me of home, far away from this wretched place"}. She looked downtrodden, tired almost as she only offered a soft smile. {blue "Sometimes I wish I had never left, but I'm here to stay. Whether I enjoy such a position or not."}"

Output: "Shuzi takes a drag from her cigarette. Exhaling out as she watches the smoke rise. Dissapating into the night sky while she turns to look at the man beside her. "The sky reminds me of home, far away from this wretched place." She looked downtrodden, tired almost as she only offered a soft smile. "Sometimes I wish I had never left, but I'm here to stay. Whether I enjoy such a position or not""

And that's pretty cool!
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