dark kirb's Mechanic Application

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dark kirb

Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
May 4, 2024
What is your username?
dark kirb

What character(s) do you play?
TIU SAA 'Monsoon'

What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)

What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)
darkkirb. (with the period)

What is your current playtime on the server?
2w 5d 3h 2m

Do you have any warnings or bans?

Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?


Job-Related Questions​

Do you understand that you may be arrested while playing this job (Y/N) ?

Do you plan to RP as a mechanic, as well as being ontop of vehicles needing service on surface? Give some simple examples (50 words minimum): Yes, I do plan on RPing as a mechanic whenever I can, helping all people with their vehicles since not many mechanics are ever on. For an example of RP I can do, whenever fixing up a car that has a flat tire, I can RP using a sealing kit on the tire, then refilling the air in it. Or, I can RP changing the tire itself.

Do you understand that the mechanic is impartial, and not allowed to deny service to any faction based on current surface politics? (no word-count requirement):
Yes, I understand that I must be neutral as a mechanic.

Guideline-Related Questions:​

What is a roll? Give an example:
A roll is an action usually you can do when you do a skill-based action using the /roll command. It can be used to break down doors, do various skill-based actions, or to decide certain things, like rock-paper-scissors.

What is a /me? Give an example:
A /me is a command to usually do an action in RP. For example "/me does a backflip."

What is FailRP? Give an example:
FailRP is when you fail to roleplay properly, speaking out of character in voice chat at all times as an example.

What is FearRP? Give an example:
FearRP is usually when you are held at gunpoint when not armed, you must follow the orders the gun holder is saying. Like for example, you are a researcher and a CI holds you at gunpoint during a raid, you must comply with said CI's orders.

What is Metagame? Give an example:
Metagame is when you take OOC information in character. Like for example, when a scout does a /rp to hack a server, you go over there even if the servers hasn't been pinged yet.

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
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