CWRP Staff Application Format

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MC Management
MC Management
SCP-RP Administration
Operations Team
May 3, 2024
Applicant Rules:

  1. You must be at least 14 years old before creating a moderator application. 13-year-olds who have played for a long time and feel they demonstrate exceptional maturity difference greater than that of their age can get permission from a member of SMT to apply.
  2. You must have read the entirety of the Staff Handbook.
  3. You must have at least more than 1 day on the server before applying.
  4. You may not bump your application, Your application will be looked at within at least a week and the most 2 weeks.
  5. Do not ask friends, and acquaintances to +1 your application. If this is found out, Your application will be denied.
  6. Don't lie in your application, be transparent. If you are found lying in your application, It will be denied.
  7. When creating your application, you must answer all the questions listed within the application format.
  8. If you're accepted into the staff team, you should be extremely active on TeamSpeak, as this is how we communicate with other staff members and the rest of the community.

Server Rules:
It's very important that you understand our server rules, So please make sure you have read up on our rules HERE.

Staff Application
What is your OOC name?

What character(s) do you play?

What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)?

What is your Discord Name (i.e. hypixel007)?

What is your timezone?

Are you 14 years of age or older?

Your current playtime on the server?

List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):

What is your availability?

Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words)

Why should we accept you into the staff team?

What staffing experience do you currently have?

Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:

Define Metagame:

Define NLR:

Define FailRP:

Situation-based Questions Section

Player “X” reports player “Y” for making them uncomfortable with GoreRP during a medical scenario. Player "X" is saying that they told player "Y" multiple times to stop but they continued. How would go about handling this sit?

Player “X” reports player “Y” for making an offensive comment towards player "Z". Player "X" has also said that they would like to remain anonymous for their own personal reasons. They(player "X") have also not provided any evidence but player "Y" has admitted to it. How would you go about handling this sit?

Communication Section

Do you have a mic?

Do you have TeamSpeak3?

Do you have a Discord Account?

Staff meetings will be held weekly on Monday at 7:00 PM EST(subject to change), will you be able to attend these meetings?

Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]?
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