Brendan's EC app

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Captain Jake Will

Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
May 14, 2024
What is your name?


What character(s) do you play?

Brendan Greham -medic

What is your SteamID?

What is your timezone?


Are you 14 years of age or older

yes I am 20

Current play time on the server? (You must have a minimum of 5 Days on the server)

Your total time is 1w 4d 9h 11m.

EC Based Questions

Why do you want to join the EC team? (200 word minimum)

I often like to do different types of RP with the mimic . I like to get different skins and try to make different characters out of them . some times I'm a clone of a CI LT or a time traveler or even a off site Nu-7 that has a odd infection. its more fun to me then just killing and just causing problems. the problem is that there is only so far I can go with in the rules of the mimic and some stuff I cant outright do. I also seen that people like the RP I do with the mimic I have been told its nice to see a mimic actually RP and not just kill and scream sarckic over comms. When I am not on mimic I play medic a very RP heavy branch only bested by research. and I often see room and places that are often just ignored. one of my favorite places is the voidway (the bridge into the forgotten realm) I often hear that people where killed and there body was dumped into the void a and the fact there are other bridges. often I like to think what would be in the void and what's on the other bridges and wished I could do some RP with that area. in short why do I want to join the EC team? because I wish to use often unloved area for events and to bring interesting small scale RP to the server.

Why should we accept you in the EC team?
I am very creative
I have done EC work for other ( now closed ) servers
I have done very liked RP with the mimic
I wrote a SW approved document for a RP (Link

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Gmod tools?

What is the purpose of the EC Team?

to provide events and RP for people to do on the server weather it be in to form of small character RP to big off server fights

If accepted into the EC team, do you have any event ideas that you would like to host?

I would like to do events with the voidway (the bridge into the forgotten realm) one idea is to have people cross to another bridge to meet a shopkeeper who sells stuff like void fish and other void items

another idea I have is that a AI works its way into CI base looking for its body and then if it gets a body it changes into a flesh one

my final idea is for a faction I have worked on off of g mod call the crown legion for the event they would send a ambassador to the foundation to get them to join or at the lest send supplies to the legion

EC Rules

Do you understand that your event ideas may be denied by SEC's and LEC's, even if it was previously accepted?

Do you understand that abusing your EC abilities will result in removal from the EC, and may result in a ban?

Do you understand that if you are caught using blacklisted props or models, you will receive a punishment?


Do you have a mic?


Do you have TS3?


Do you have a Discord account?
yes User id is (670700737180991538) or just blutarck

EC meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST, will you be able to attend these meetings?


Do you understand that your steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] [NAME] [TEC]?
Good evening! we are reviewing your app. if you have any questions please message myself Lune_Light or a SEC or LEC have a lovely day!
Good evening! We are happy to inform you your application have been accepted please contact myself on discord via Lune_light or a SEC or the LEC via ratba_tard on discord to get set up. On behalf of the Event team welcome to the SCPRP EC Team!
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