Billy Bumkins SCP 999 Application :3

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Jul 5, 2024
May 2, 2024
What character(s) do you play? I am a Private First Class GENSEC Security Enlisted or just Billy Bumkins. I'm also known as one of the cooler GENSEC security guards to D - Class (not tryna flex) šŸ˜Ž

What is your SteamID?

What is your Discord username and Identifier? Username: jt_theman. ID: 1029226809465778247.

What is your current playtime on the server? About 4-5 days.

Do you have any warnings or bans? Nope. I'm as clean as clean can be.

Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job? Nah. Never been an SCP for the server.

SCP-Related Questions
Which SCP are you applying for?: SCP - 999 "The Tickle Monster."

In your own words, describe this SCP. (100 words minimum):

A cute cuddle demon who brings joy to those around the site. This cute little glob of orange goop is allowed to roam freely and help the site community in a lovely amount of ways, such as making them have a better day! Although, I heard not to feed him pizza...not quite sure why. He will definitely make the site a better place, which is why he is one of the greatest SCP's ever in the SCP foundation, and he most likely will stay that way! Who thought a thing made of orange slime that's sentient would make people have the greatest day ever? It's not surprising, as for the SCP foundation has a lot of other weird creatures.
What object class is this SCP?: SCP - 999 is in the safe class.

How is the SCP maintained?:
He is prohibited from leaving the site, and food is to be replaced twice a day.
How does this SCP breach? What are their procedures?:
Well, I don't think he does breach, since he can roam freely.
How does this SCP be recontained?
Grab his attention with food or candy and bring him back to his containment cell.
Can this SCP be terminated? If yes, how so?
I don't think so. I mean if he could, since he's like jelly or slime, you might just rip him apart, but it would probably be hard.
In order of true or false, state the following that applies to this SCP. Does it fear for its life? Can it open doors? Can it breach other SCPs? Can it enter D-Block?:
(Example, true, true, false, false)
False, false, false, true.
Guideline-Related Questions
What is a roll? Give an example:
You just roll and get a number. Not much to it.
What is a /me? Give an example:
It's used to describe your actions in a RP. Say your using the bathroom, can't believe I'm using this as an example, and you go to wash your hands. I think you do "/me Washing hands." I've never done /me so this was a hard one to answer.
What is FailRP? Give an example:
It's when a person fails to RP properly. Like breaking NLR.
What is FearRP? Give an example:
Fear RP is when your character in the RP is in a situation when they are under pressure or scared. Say you have a gun pointed at you in RP and you don't have one. If you fear RP in that moment, you would be like, "Please, don't shoot, I have a wife and kids!" Or something entirely different.
Do you understand that as an SCP, you should focus on roleplay first and foremost and NOT solely on fragging/killing?: [Y/N]
Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
Yes. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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Some Things In Your Application Needs To Be Fixed
- You do not meet the 100 word requirement
- How is the SCP Maintained Is Not Correct
- How The SCP Is Recontained Is Incorrect

You Have 48 Hours To Adjust

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