Toasty’s EC Application

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New member
May 4, 2024
What is your name?

Toasty (Cheez-Itz)

What character(s) do you play?

RN Lucien Rylanor, SSGT ‘Warsmith’, Agent Artex Gambino.

I play 3 SCPs commonly, 939, The Roomba, and 049.

What is your SteamID?


What is your timezone?


Are you 14 years of age or older


Current play time on the server? (You must have a minimum of 5 Days on the server)

I think it’s 1 month and between 1 and 3 weeks

EC Based Questions

Why do you want to join the EC team? (200 word minimum)

More and more frequently, I find myself and other medics waiting for something to do, and often times, it’s an EC or SW event that pulls us out of these, I wish to continue this cycle and keep things happening within site and just the server in general. In the past, back when I used to play GENSEC frequently, more often than not, we had a lot of GENSEC related events that really helped with our activity and promoted RP and drove the branch to a more successful state. Once such event was the UIU-GRU-P event from a while back, a lot of GENSEC were invited and they stayed within the branch rather than leaving sooner than the ones that didn’t. When EC events happen, I’ve noticed that they’re /more/ inclined to certain players rather than being more widespread and open to more players. This could just be a result of branch specialties, but I believe it should be open to all regardless of branch. There’s nothing at all wrong with the current events, I enjoy them a lot, they’ve improved significantly over the last year in quality and storytelling, I hope to join the EC team and continue and raise the reputation of it, to continue this cycle of inspiring others to join the EC team. I see this as an opportunity to enhance my creativity, and grow character in and out of character. In short, I wish to simply increase server population retention and grow as a person myself.

Why should we accept you in the EC team?

I think I should be accepted because I have some pretty neat ideas I’ve been thinking about for a little over a year now. Not only that, but I have the strive to improve both my practical skills (gmod tools and such) and RP skills.

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Gmod tools?

5, but I can learn

What is the purpose of the EC Team?

The team is meant to bring enjoyment and lore to the community and encourage players coming back to the events that they create and the server itself

If accepted into the EC team, do you have any event ideas that you would like to host?

I’ve had a few ideas, but I need to run them by the LEC and SECs, refine them, see if they would be multi-part/long term, etc. But there is one I would really like to do, a bottle of Jack Daniel’s that intoxicates anyone who touches it.

EC Rules

Do you understand that your event ideas may be denied by SEC's and LEC's, even if it was previously accepted?


Do you understand that abusing your EC abilities will result in removal from the EC, and may result in a ban?


Do you understand that if you are caught using blacklisted props or models, you will receive a punishment?

I understand


Do you have a mic?


Do you have TS3?

Yes, the modern Teamspeak though.

Do you have a Discord account?

Yes, swissbond

EC meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST, will you be able to attend these meetings?

I might not be able to attend them some times, but I will try to attend as much as possible

Do you understand that your steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] [NAME] [TEC]?

I understand
Hi! after looking over your application for The EC team and after careful consideration the Team has decided to deny your application.
If you have any questions please reach out to a SEC or the LEC
Ratba_tard on discord. Have a Lovely Day.
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