TIU - Agent Comox

State Farm Salesman

New member
May 30, 2024
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Primary Information​

[Name]: Aiden Comox
[Alias]: N/A
[DOB]: May 15th, 1974
[Sex]: Male
[Race]: Asian
[Languages]: English, handful of phrases in Vietnamese​

Physical Information​

[Height]: 5’ 6”
[Weight]: 140 lbs
[Hair Color]: Light Brown
[Eye Color]: Green​

Medical History​

[Blood Type]: B-
[Markings]: N/A
[Medications]: Metformin for Pre-diabetes
[Substance Use]: N/A
[Surgeries]: N/A
[Mental Illness]: N/A​

Background Information​

[Birthplace]: San Francisco, California
[Previous Residence]: 14200 Linden Ave N, Seattle
[Criminal Record]: N/A






Born in San Francisco as a first generation immigrant, Aiden planned to take the same path as his father and become an accountant. His father worked at the quickly growing AMD, while his mother worked as an instructor of mathematics at the local college. Numbers always hung around the house, and he quickly picked them up with tutoring (more akin to military like drilling) and received a scholarship for a degree in economics and accounting. However while finishing his bachelor's degree, his brother who was working in New York, was killed during the 9/11 attacks. This created a fundamental shift in Aiden, he wanted to strike back against those who would attack the country that gave his father a future, and who took his brother away.

Finishing his bachelors, he continued on his Ph.D in accounting to follow his fathers wishes. While the family grieved, Aiden worked on a criminal justice degree in secret. When he graduated and applied to the FBI, his father was not as supportive as he hoped. Aiden packed up after being accepted, and went through the FBI’s training course. Afterwards, with his background in Accounting & Finances he was given to the White Collar Crimes division. He was assigned to the New Vegas Field office and began working on leads that may have financed terror groups.

As the war on terror raged for over a decade, he worked every lead given. One such lead led him down a rabbithole, uncovering a cell of an as of yet unknown domestic terror group sending not money, but random objects. When he reported this to his superiors, he was transferred to the UIU.

Using his findings, UIU agents were able to dismantle a terror cell that was sending anomalous objects overseas to other cells of an organizations named “The Chaos Insurgency.” He worked out of the Washington Field office investigating another cell that has cropped up in Washington.

The activities in Washington resulted in an unfortunate encounter with SCPF personnel, finally resulting in his assigned Field Office requesting and approving his reassignment to the Twin Pines.​
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Federal Bureau of Investigation
United States Department of Justice
Anchorage, Alaska.


Dear Lauren,

I am writing to you today to express my great sorrow for the loss of your father, Aiden Comox. Comox was killed honorably in the line of duty on 6/9/2024, while attempting to save the life of an innocent held hostage by an unknown attacker. The loss of an officer is always a great tragedy, but it is especially hard when an officer was as close to us as your father. In his 18 years of dedicated service to the FBI, he embodied the true spirit of commitment and courage. His unwavering dedication to justice took him across multiple field offices throughout the United States, where he consistently demonstrated exceptional professionalism and an unyielding resolve to uphold the law.

I know you must be overwhelmed with letters of condolence, and the pressure of making arrangements must be terrible, so please do not feel obligated to respond. However, if there is anything I can do to help you, it would be a great honor to assist the daughter of one of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's finest officers.

Sincerely yours,

Aidan Flaker
Deputy Director, Twin Pines Field Office
Federal Bureau of Investigation