
New member
May 29, 2024


Silence. A ear-piercing silence filled the jampacked Office. Men in suits crowded around a beaten-down desk. Cigarette smoke choked all - misted in the air. The wobbly overhead fan worked overtime to keep all from overheating - to no success. In the center of the room, stationed at the desk, was an elderly man. With his eyes glued upon an opened manilla folder. Not a word betrayed the man's lips, as he examined the photos.

"Do we have any undeniable video evidence of this?" He finally emitted. Staring into the unending crowd that looked on with anticipation. His look of alarm growing.

"We do, sir. Take a look." A younger Agent stepped forth. Pulling his PDA up to their chief. "It's not pretty."



At first the footage shows a swarm of Federal Agents, with only a handful of truly militarized personnel. One would note that for an assault, these men and woman were severely underprepared. Sporting shotguns and light Kevlar vests, they boarded upon trucks. Atleast four vehicles filled with Federals exit Twin Pines. The Deputy Director is spotted joining the foray.

About fifteen minutes after, a lone Terrorist is seen entering Twin Pines. Armed with military surplus and incendiary devices. Wasting no time, the Insurgent began to chuck incendiaries into any and all building in Twin Pines indiscriminately. The hospital, where a patient was confirmed to have been in recovery. Screams echo as their flesh sizzles and pops. Unable to escape the inferno. The room goes silent after a long, drawn-out torture. Another one is set ablaze sleeping in the hotel. The city burns as an untamed fire snuff out most of the life in Twin Pines.

Insurgents are seen actively patrolling the streets. Kicking in the windows of businesses and exterminating all life within. It is at this time that the remaining battered and bruised unit under Deputy Director Flaker emerge. With many of their Agents bleeding or dismembered in tow. It is to be noted that only about half of his original force is able to be seen as combat effective. With no hospital in sight, the Federals set out the blazes to the best of their ability.

Five minutes later, on the CCTV, a cacophony is heard on the outskirts of town. Emerging from the shrubbery and white-capped trees, a horde of heavily armed Insurgents come out in force. With machine guns and packed-full of Kevlar that they can barely move, they swarm in from the North and West. Federal Agents are seen screaming and fighting, turning barely a defense into a rout. Many of their Agents retreat South, dragging along their wounded brethren. Deputy Director Flaker is seen fighting to the last man, serving as the rearguard for the retreating Federals. The feed no longer is able to pick up any Government Agents, as Insurgents swarm the city like locusts.

Ten minutes later, another disruption occurs. This time - from the West and East. SCP Foundation forces are seen entering from the East, numbering at around ten. They pin down the Insurgents. It is at this time the Unusual Incidents Unit, or what remains of them, advances from the West. Now estimated to approximate at around 25% of their combat effectiveness from their prime. A shadow of their former selves. What men are able to fight appear badly wounded. Indeed, they make little impact on the field.

The combined effort of the Federals and SCP Foundation coalition squeeze the Terrorists out of Twin Pines. A roaring cheer is audible, emitted from the rest of the Government Agents. The ones that weren't groaning. Or decapitated in gunfire.

Horror filled the ivory-eyes of the salt and pepper haired man. There were skirmishes here and there between Insurgents and the UIU. That wasn't uncommon. But what was unspeakable, was the complete and utter conflagration of Twin Pines. The four confirmed dead civilians on his hands. It was a massacre. The town was sacked. And the UIU proved no match for the Terrorists who armed the anomalous.

Turning his head to his secretary, he gave one but simple command.

"Get Hawkins on the line." The manilla folder spilled open, for all to see.

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