Steel's Grower App

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New member
May 15, 2024
What is your username?
Username | Steel

What character(s) do you play?

What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)


What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)

What is your current playtime on the server?

2w 3d 18h

Do you have any warnings or bans?
Yes, Although Rescinded

Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?

Job-Related Questions

Explain why you would like to be a D-Class Grower. (100 words minimum):

I have been making money mainly via the cooking system for a long time and would like to change up my experience. Additionally, I have seen players often want to purchase from dealers when none are active and think it would be cool to supply them. But Mostly It's just an interesting new way to make money for me and opens up new avenues to experience playing D-Class. I've been putting off applying for D-Class whitelists for a while and want to finally get to it.
I don't want to disrespect anyone but reaching word count for this class is difficult without restating "money" in 5 different ways.

Give a good example of RP you'd have as a D-Class Grower. (no word-count requirement):

Employing and paying D-Class to guard and assist in my growing setup, or meeting with foundation secretly to supply them with product.

Guideline-Related Questions:

What is a roll? Give an example:

A random chance system to gauge success of an action. Guards and D-Class often /roll against each other for contraband searches.

What is a /me? Give an example:

A command used to describe the action your character is performing. One would /me repairing, or alternatively breaking something.

What is FailRP? Give an example:

Failing to appropriately act in accordance with the situation/rules. For instance, Intentionally jumping to your death.

What is FearRP? Give an example:

To act realistically to the amount of force presented against you. Trying to Fistfight a squad of armed soldiers would not end well, so you should follow their orders until a better opportunity presents itself.

What is Metagame? Give an example:

Using knowledge you gained OOC for IC purposes. If someone was talking about capturing you in a radio channel you don't have, hiding before you find out IC would be Metagame.

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
Application Accepted!
Contact Staff using the /Ticket command or F10 to get your whitelist!
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