Staff Application

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SCP-RP Moderation
SCP-RP Moderation
May 30, 2024
Staff Application
What is your OOC name?
People started calling me Kronk.

What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold.
1SG / LPN / TR 'Tennessee' | JFO Krank Pepikrankenitz | Intern Alfred Van-Hout | Agent Jeremy Lorenzo | CI PVT Lance Hagelberg ( A lot )

What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)?

What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)?

Johnny Shizzles ( therustypumpkin )

What is your timezone?


Are you 14 years of age or older?


Your current playtime on the server?

2 weeks 3 days 4 hours

List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):

I don't think I have any warns. If I do I do not remember.

What is your availability?

I am on almost all day. Once in a blue moon I may not be.

Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum) (please contact me if you cannot open this doc )

Why should we accept you into the staff team?

I am on most of the day, almost every day. I always listen to both sides of the story without making any biased opinions.

What staffing experience do you currently have?

I have none, but I want to start on a server I enjoy.

Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:
Random Death match, when a player kills someone else for absolutely no reason, or no valid reason. Or with no intent to RP.

Define Metagame:
When a player uses their OOC knowledge to benefit themselves IC. Example: Reading and reacting to comms they don't have.

Define NLR:
New life rule, do not go outside your bunks until the time is up, anything you learned withing the last moments of your life are gone.

Define FailRP:
When someone disrupts the RP by doing something unrelated or trolling.

Situation-based Questions Section

Player “X” reports player “Y” for RDM, the logs show that player “Y” did kill player “X”, both players are GenSec trainees. Player “X” states that there was no reason for him to be killed, player “Y” states that they were in an argument, player “X” made a nasty remark and player “Y” killed him for it. Neither party has a recording of the interaction, and no witnesses have come forward with any more information, what would you do?

In this situation, I will call on other admins for help. There is no evidence besides their word. But, just because they said something "nasty" doesn't mean you can kill them.

Player “A” reports player “B” for saying a racial slur, player “A” is uploading evidence, but it is taking a few moments. During this time, player “B” admits he used the slang term towards another player on the server. After receiving the video, you notice that player “B” in fact did say in it a greeting manor and not a confrontational manner. How would you handle this sit?

Call on another admin for support,

Communication Section

Do you have a mic?


Do you have TeamSpeak3?


Do you have a Discord Account?


Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).

Yes, but maybe not once in a blue moon.

Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]?
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Welcome to the Zenith Project SCP-RP Staff Team!
A member of the Administration Team will contact you for training.
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