Skooers 049 app

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Infrastructure Staff
Infrastructure Staff
May 5, 2024
What is your username?


What character(s) do you play?

UIU Garblesnork Dwellius CI Rolland Lake and a ton of misc characters.

What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)


What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)


What is your current playtime on the server?

Over 1 week

Do you have any warnings or bans?


Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?


SCP-Related Questions
Which SCP are you applying for?:
Scp– 049
In your own words, describe this SCP. (100 words minimum):
049 is a decrepit plague doctor from France. His primary goal in life is to rid the world of a plague. He claims to offer a cure that turns you into a vague zombie. His speech is much older and far more refined than playing any other SCP. 049 wears black robes and has the signature bird-like plague doctor mask. Some important notes are his interest in medicine and anomalous research. He has a flat +15 to surgeries. 049 is also able to command his leagues of undead to capture or attack who he pleases. 049 will also be inclined to manipulate those who contain him in an attempt to breach his cell.

What object class is this SCP?: Euclid

How is the SCP maintained?:
They must receive a patient that they deem to have the pestilence. The other option is for 049 to request a walk and be walked around the site.

How does this SCP breach? What are their procedures?:
They breach if they are not properly maintained or if they are attacked while on a walk.

How does this SCP be recontained?
Wait for the grace period to end, and then you must proceed to Fear RP 049 with 3 people. You can also put gloves on him when he is fear RP’ed if you wish to move him. After that you lead 049 back to his containment.

Can this SCP be terminated? If yes, how so?
Yes with a metric ton of gunfire. (I think?)

In order of true or false, state the following that applies to this SCP. Does it fear for its life? Can it open doors? Can it breach other SCPs? Can it enter D-Block?:
(Example, true, true, false, false)
True True True (035) False

Guideline-Related Questions
What is a roll? Give an example:
/roll You use it to determine who wins in a /me or /rp that affects another person.
What is a /me? Give an example:
/me does a little dance, would implicate that the user does a little dance.
What is FailRP? Give an example:
Doing something that someone wouldn’t really do. An example of this would be /me channels the inner power of god and smites every being in the realm.
What is FearRP? Give an example:
When someone points a gun at you to make you fear for your life.

Do you understand that as an SCP, you should focus on roleplay first and foremost and NOT solely on fragging/killing?: [Y/N]


Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]

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