Site-66 General Maintenance Log 17&18/3


SCP-RP Moderation
SCP-RP Moderation
May 14, 2024
Log 17/3
LCZ Electrical room
  • Foundation console issued an error to site technicians.
    • Foundation Technician deployed to Light containment zone
  • Console is located, visible damage is seen
  • Damage assessment:
    • Lever status: Critically damaged
      • Note: Lever is seen visibly hanging away from the console. Lever seems to have been pulled in a panic which nearly ripped the lever off. New connectors required as well as rewiring.
    • Wiring status: In great condition
    • Terminal Connections: Moderately damaged
      • Note: Terminal connections were not reading clear signals. Issue was determined to be corroding and worn out connections.
  • Estimated resource usage: 1x Disconnect switch, 3x terminal connectors
HCZ Storeroom
  • Routine inspection led to 2 fuse boxes and 1 camera
  • Fuse box #1
    • 3 fuses needed to be replaced
    • Wiring: Lightly damaged
      • The wiring found within the fuse box was stripped down to the bare wire. Replaced wiring accordingly.
  • Fuse box #2
    • 1 fuse needed to be replaced
    • Wiring: Moderately damaged
      • Wiring had been damaged and corroded. Damaged wiring replaced accordingly
    • Box integrity: Compromised
      • Box had warped significantly, allowing moisture to seep in and corrode the box. Panel replaced accordingly and box was cleaned.
  • Camera
    • Simple misalignment
      • Camera seemed to have been struck and pushed out of alignment. Simply readjusted to put the camera back on its mount.
  • Estimated resource usage: 4x fuses, 0.75m of copper wiring, 1x fuse box panel

Log 18/3

Euclid Fuse boxes
  • Fuse box #1
    • 1 fuse needs to be replaced
    • Wiring: Critical Damage
      • See "Casing"
    • Integrity: Moderate Damage
      • See "Casing"
    • Casing: Critical damage
      • Due to the severe damage that this box had taken the decision to replace it entirely was decided on. Scheduled maintenance began 2 hours later with the entire box being replaced.
  • Fuse box #2
    • No fuses needed to be replaced.
    • Lid was left unlocked.
      • Lid secured

Med-bay reception computer
  • Site technician arrived at med-bay just in time to see the computer burst into flames
    • Site technician located nearest extinguisher and put out the fire
  • Attempted to determine what was the cause of the spontaneous combustion
    • It was found that the computer was being used to illegally mine a currency known as "Robux"
  • After determining the cause a D-class decided to offer "assistance" by pouring his beverage that was a Monster energy drink into the machine
    • This caused another fire to flare up that was promptly put out with assistance from NTF
  • Due to the computer being set ablaze twice it was easy to determine it was no longer usable
    • Grabbed a spare computer of the same kind from the EZ storeroom.
  • Computer was installed and PXE booted to the foundation servers.
  • Inventory was logged and the technician departed
Literally 5 minutes later

  • Technician was recalled to the med-bay due to the computer being locked out.
    • Technician found that a app that was not approved by the foundation had somehow been installed along with some uninvited quests.
  • Managed to boot the computed in safe mode and activated the antivirus to disinfect
  • Added a password to the computer in order to restrict access
    • Sent encrypted password to all of Medical's PDA's
Recommended course of action: Install Keycard scanner to identify who logs into the computer in order to crack down on computer misuse and advise personnel of the dangers of unsanctioned downloads.