SCP- _____


MU-13 Captain [Moo-13]
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Event Coordinator
May 4, 2024
United States

Investigated by Dr. Oliver Brown




Personnel Involved: Dr. Acetoarsenite, Dr. Sky Williams, Dr. Oliver Brown, Unknown Facility Personnel, Ambassador

Physical Description: SCP-___ appears to a large head sized light blue orb with 3 interior rings, 2 of these three interior rings are constantly spinning while the third ring stays stationary. The outer shell of SCP-___ is made of a hard unknown material making it impossible to interfere with the rings within the orb of SCP-___. SCP-___ has a standard sized flat head shovel attached to the inside of the orb section of SCP-___, the flat head shovel does not interfere with the course that the rings follow as the rings of SCP-___ pass through the handle of the flat head shovel. The shovel attached to SCP-___ is an unusually dark black color making it appear as a void, the shovel can be touched and feel like a normal flat head shovel.

Interaction Log: SCP-___ was found on the surface near the village by Nu-7, Nu-7 brought SCP-___ to research bay and Dr. Acetoarsenite, Dr. Sky Williams and Dr. Oliver Brown began to analyze SCP-___, Dr. Acetoarsenite, Dr. Oliver Brown, and some Nu-7 had touched SCP-___ and began to feel the sudden urge to bring corpses to SCP-___, 1 old corpse was brought to SCP-___ and SCP-___ had no response. Dr. Acetoarsenite, Dr. Oliver Brown, and some Nu-7 began to march toward D-block to gather D-class for SCP-___, 2 D-class were brought to SCP-___ and 1 was terminated on top of SCP-___ by Dr. Acetoarsenite. NTF and other foundation staff including Ambassador entered research bay and detained Dr. Acetoarsenite, Dr. Oliver Brown, and 1 Nu-7 experiencing the urge to give SCP-___ corpses before the second D-class was terminated. Dr. Acetoarsenite, Dr. Oliver Brown, and the 1 Nu-7 who were detained were amnestized, Dr. Oliver Brown showed extensive resistance to class-A amnestics and continued to attempt to give SCP-___ corpses, Dr. Oliver Brown incapacitated a NTF with his cuffs and claimed that the NTF personnel would be what SCP-___ needed. Dr. Oliver Brown was given class-B amnestics and was briefed on what occurred.

Interaction Log 2: Sometime after SCP-___ had been given 1 D-class corpse SCP-___ produced a large amount of flames and a pale humanoid creature with robotic implants immerged out of SCP-___, the creature that immerged from SCP-___ will be referred to as SCP-___-2. SCP-___-2 began to rapidly deteriorate into a burning skeleton, SCP-___-2 spoke of how the SCP Foundation was horrible and how they did no good. SCP-___-2 made its way over to the incinerator within research bay and began hovering in the air as it activated. SCP-___-2 summoned many zombie like creatures reminiscent of SCP-049-2 and they began to attack Foundation personnel, these creatures will be referred to as SCP-___-3. SCP-___-2 collapsed after 1 minute after SCP-___-2 had summoned multiple instances of SCP-___-3.

Interaction Log 3: SCP-___ was picked up by NTF personnel and was being brought to HCZ Temp CCs for further analysis and containment, after leaving research bay SCP-___ vanished into thin air with no trace of it to be left.

Possible Special Containment Procedures: There is no way of containing SCP-___ at the moment.

Anomalous Abilities & Traits: SCP-___ can influence anyone who touches it into finding and delivering it corpses, SCP-___ can produce SCP-___-2 upon being given corpses, SCP-___-2 is a dangerous creature who has a hate for the SCP Foundation, SCP-___-2 can summon multiple instances of SCP-___-3 which are zombie like entities that have extreme bullet resistance, SCP-___ and SCP-___-2 have the ability to constantly be covered in flames if activated, SCP-___ can vanish out of existence.

Possible SCP Item # Designation & Classification: Item # Yet to be determined / SCP-___ Cognitohazard / SCP-___-2 Sentient & Violent / SCP-___-3 Sentient & Violent / KETER - Due to its uncontainable nature at this exact moment.

Images / Videos (Encouraged But Optional):

Additional Comments If Needed: Not all information has been applied to this document, this document will receive further updates when more information has been gained.


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