SCP 513 Audio Pitch Test


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

SCP 513 Audio Pitch Test

Conducted by Dr. Kats Beyas




Test Idea:
On March 11th, 2023, Researcher Viktor Crowe discovered that audio of the sound of SCP 513 can produce the same anomalous capabilities. If the audio can reproduce the original cognitohazard of 513, then would altering the audio's pitch change the effect of the cognitohazard? To study this, I had recorded the ringing of 513 on a phone that was "given" to me. The range of pitch that a human can hear is between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. With the use of audio editing software, I adjusted the audio of the recording between the two extreme ends. Then with the tampered audio, D class would be locked in a temporary containment cell and exposed to the sound. They'll be monitored and interviewed at the same to gather new information on the fly.

Changing the pitch of recorded audio of SCP 513's sound would change the effect of its cognitohazard.

Personnel Involved:

Items Involved:
A digital phone prepared with an audio pitch shifter software and a pair of wired earphones.

I'll Separate the results into two sections to make it more digestible to understand. Given the nature of SCP 513's cognitohazard, only the descriptions and accounts of the D class could be properly recorded.

High Pitch Audio
After D class #4456 entered the containment cell, he was given the phone holding the 513 recording and earphones. #4456 was instructed to wear the earphones and play the audio. Approximately a minute after he was exposed, D class #4456 remarked that a figure was standing near him. By his account, the figure was that of an elongated man and its body appeared that it was made out of clouds. This figure is supposedly the 513-1 instance from previous records, though interestingly it did not match the general description of 513-1. When pressed on what it was doing, #4456 only remarked that 513-1 was simply standing. After a few moments, #4456 was instructed to physically interact with 513-1. The D class reached his hand for a moment before quickly recoiling. He screamed that the instance swung at him. #4456 began to panic as he shouted out that it was speaking to him but he couldn't understand. Then he screamed again as he recklessly ran around in the cell, claiming that it was hitting him. When two minutes passed, #4456 stopped and said 513-1 disappeared. Minutes passed to confirm the D class claim and he was shortly let out. He looked at me and said that when he was being assaulted, the instance was telling him to kill me. I retrieved the equipment from him and prepared for the next part of the test. Though when I went to prepare the next D class, #4456 shouted and began punching the air in front of him before suddenly dropping on the floor, dead.

Low Pitch Audio
D class #6217 was outfitted like the previous subject. Instructed the same way. Approximately 30 seconds later, #6217 reported a figure, likely the 513-1 instance, standing near him. He described the instance as a 7ft tall man that was made out of stone. When asked on what it was doing, he remarked that it was just standing there speaking to him. Its voice was gargled and unintelligible according to the D class, but he claim that it felt like it was greeting him. After a few moments past, #6217 recounted what he saw to me. The 513-1 instance was walking around the cell and at one point was staring at me. When I was taking note of this, The D class backed up to the wall of the cell and was suddenly in the air. From my perspective, it was like he was being floating in the air by some invisible force. It only lasted for a moment before the D class was back on his feet. Apparently 513-1 lifted #6217. Next he claimed that 513-1 ran around the cell for a bit before phasing into the ground. Seeing nothing else happening, I concluded the test. Soon after the cell door, D class #6127 immediately ran to the holding cell of multiple item SCPs and took out the authentic SCP 513. He said that it told him to ring it. The D class was immediately exterminated

Reviewing the two interviews, the most notable thing I noticed was the different behaviors of the 513-1 instance between the two adjusted recordings. Both starkly differ from each other and the original accounts of 513-1. The instance from the high pitch audio was the most aggressive out of three, assaulting its victim outright rather than waiting for them to sleep like the original. The low pitch instance was the most "friendly". It didn't show any aggressive tendencies like the other two, however it appears that it will use individuals to ring SCP 513.

Additional Comments If Needed:
This was a lot of information to take in. I'm not sure how we could use this new development for our future endeavors. I'm also unsure if these instances could be considered -2 and -3 as they differ from -1. But I believe more testing will be required to fully discern it.


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