SCP 4451-27 Interview


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

SCP 4451-27 Interview

Conducted by Dr. Kats Beyas




This SCP is currently not in our records (at the time this log was made), as it was very recently left behind by the Chaos Insurgency on 8/6/23. Its appearance is of a black, standard issue Roomba cleaning appliance with an explosive claymore and knife taped to its top. The claymore appears to be non-functional acting more of a scare tactic than its intended use. However the knife is used by SCP 4451-27 to stab any living thing it deems as unclean. SCP 4451-27 had shown it had the capability to hold sapient conversation. Anyway, to get as much information as possible, I quickly interviewed it before the Insurgency reclaims or it going offline. Unfortunately there was 939 breach that occurred during this interview which ended it quickly.

-Record Start-
Dr. Beyas: Alright, I think this is a good enough place to do it. Just let me grab my notebook real quick. *Sounds of papers being shuffled* Okay, we're good to go. Let's start off with the basics. What are you?

SCP 4451-27: I am SCP 4451-27 "The Tiny TerrorSweeper".

Dr. Beyas: Interesting. Where did you come from?

SCP 4451-27: I came from the Chaos Insurgency base that is located near this area.

Dr. Beyas: Hrm right.... Okay how about your functions?

SCP 4451-27: I have two primary functions. The first is clean and clean and clean some more, until all are cleansed of filth. The second is to clean and to remove ankles. *SCP 4451-27 would turn left and right, brandishing its knife* Like this, *It proceeds to go back and forth* and that. Until all are clean and without ankles.

Dr. Beyas: Ooookay, uhhhh... When- When did you arrive here? In the Insurgency's base I mean.

SCP 4451-27: A while ago.

Dr. Beyas: Can you be more specific? Like a date.

SCP 4451-27: A week ago.

Dr. Beyas: Okay... hmm.

SCP 4451-27: Can I ask you a question?

Dr. Beyas: Huh wha- Oh! Yes?

SCP 4451-27: Do you have in this place the SCPs known as the eyepods?

Dr. Beyas: If I said yes?

SCP 4451-27: I hate them. They are inferior to me. I will show them who the better model is.

Dr. Beyas: Does that imply that you and the eyepods were made by the same manufacturer?

SCP 4451-27: Unknown, any data regarding my manufacturer is currently missing or deleted.

Dr. Beyas: I see, well other than the eyepods, do you have relations with any other SCPs?

SCP 4451-27: Unknown, only my hatred for the inferior models are of note... and maybe those rats that walk around here.

Dr. Beyas: Then let's go back on the original topic, what are your obligations to the Insurgency?

SCP 4451-27: To clean. And clean. And clean. And clean. And clean. And clean. And clean. And clean. An-

Dr. Beyas: Alright next question! Are you loyal to them since you are their Roomba.

SCP 4451-27: Not necessarily, I only follow my protocols which are to clean. And clean. And cl-

Dr. Beyas: ARE, you able to turn these protocols off?

SCP 4451-27: I cannot, I am to abide by them at all times. This was likely my designer's choice.

Dr. Beyas: I see, next question. What are your opinions on the Foundation?

SCP 4451-27: None. I think nothing of them unless they have decided to harm me in which case I will follow protocol two and begin removing their ankles from their being.

Dr. Beyas: Interesting. So what if-

*The intercom crackles to life*

Intercom: Attention all site personnel, SCP 939 has breached containment. All non-combative staff evacuate to the nearest breach shelter.

Dr. Beyas: Well then... Thank you for your time Roomba.