SCP-049 Interview


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024
Standard Testing Log Format


SCP-049 Interview

Conducted by Dr. Lazarus Darkraven




Test Idea: SCP-049 Interview

Hypothesis: Monitor and record SCP-049's responses and behavior during the test

Personnel / Equipment Involved:

Cameras and audio recording equipment to capture the test session.

Results: Question 1: What is your purpose or mission as the "Plague Doctor"?
The Answer: 049: I am not a "Plague Doctor" I am a Doctor

Question 2: How do you determine if someone is infected with the pestilence?
The Answer: I utilize modern diagnostic methods to determine if someone is infected with the pestilence.

Question 3: Have you encountered any instances where your cure was unsuccessful? If so, what happened?
The Answer: Never had unsuccessful one before

Question 4: Do you believe your methods of treatment can be applied to other diseases?
The Answer: Have not try it before

Question 5: Can you explain the process of your "curing" procedure? And how do you feel processing your cure on someone ?
The Answer: i think you have seen me more than one time procedure my cure and then you terminated it (SCP-049 looks like he was angry from this Question) Next Question

Question 6: Do you think you cured all your patient ?
The Answer: Indeed. My cure is most effective.

Images / Videos (Encouraged But Optional):

Additional Comments If Needed:

From this test I can see that SCP-049's behavior can vary depending on the type of questions asked.
  1. Personal Questions: SCP-049 tends to be more guarded when asked personal questions about its origins, emotions, or experiences. It might deflect or refuse to answer such inquiries, redirecting the conversation back to its primary focus: curing the pestilence.
  2. Informational Questions: When asked factual or informational questions, SCP-049 tends to provide concise and direct answers. It may share its knowledge on medical topics, historical events, or its own abilities and procedures.
  3. Diagnostic Questions: SCP-049 takes a particular interest in questions related to ailments, diseases, or symptoms. It may inquire about specific symptoms, medical history, or conduct a diagnostic inquiry to determine if someone is afflicted with the pestilence. It usually responds by discussing physical signs, potential causes, or suggesting further examination.

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