SCP-011-A/B “Rats of Unusual Size”

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New member
May 6, 2024
What character(s) do you play? Only have D-Class right now.

What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:217320226

What is your Discord username and Identifier? ATL#0690

What is your current playtime on the server? 3 hours

Do you have any warnings or bans? No

Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job? No

SCP-Related Questions
Which SCP are you applying for?: SCP-011-A/B

In your own words, describe this SCP. (100 words minimum):
SCP-011 resembles the average undersized rat that usually resides in parts of the New York City Transit Tunnels. Not much is known about them except the fact that they were once responsible for the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe during the 1300s, which led to the deaths of hundreds of millions people. Or how it ended with a pair of them now calling the sewer system below the D-block in Site 66 their home. The SCP-011 instances are able to speak but are only able utter a single word at a time that's usually repetitive, also commonly like other rats, they have a fascination for cheese or anything that resembles it.

What object class is this SCP?:

How is the SCP maintained?:
N/A They are uncontained

How does this SCP breach? What are their procedures?:
They are free to roam the facility

How does this SCP be recontained?
They have to be lured with cheese to a Temporary Containment Chamber.

Can this SCP be terminated? If yes, how so?
Yes, can be killed just like any other rat.

In order of true or false, state the following that applies to this SCP. Does it fear for its life? Can it open doors? Can it breach other SCPs? Can it enter D-Block?:
(Example, true, true, false, false)

Guideline-Related Questions
What is a roll? Give an example:
A roll is a command followed by an action to determine the success of it with a scale of 0-100 with 0 having the lowest chances of hitting. EX:/roll 100 meaning it succeeds.
What is a /me? Give an example:
A me is the action you are doing /me does a backflip
What is FailRP? Give an example:
FailRP is when a person chooses not to roleplay. EX: Starts shooting everybody for no reason.
What is FearRP? Give an example:
FearRP is when multiple armed individuals have guns pointed at someone to intimidate them. EX:4 Gensec guards points their guns at a D class so they can't move
Do you understand that as an SCP, you should focus on roleplay first and foremost and NOT solely on fragging/killing?: [Y/N] Y

Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N] Y

Contact staff using the /ticket command to get your whitelist!
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