Sarkic Minion Test


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024
Testing Log Format


Sarkic Minion Test

Conducted by Dr. Yui Me


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L5 Kill Memetic Activated

i accidentally made a memetic kill agent : SCP

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Your Heart Races As You Are Afraid Of Something Watching You.

You Begin To Sweat Looking At Your Surrounding Trying To Search For The Source

You Can't Seem To Locate It But Feel It's Presence Closing In.

You Heart Beats Faster

And Faster

Until It Stops

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Welcome [User]!

[ Level 5 Kill Memetic Activated


Test Idea: Could we gain a disguised sarkic through a sarkic minion corpse to help identify any sarkic disguised and distinguish them from human through experimentation.

Hypothesis: We'd get one

Personnel / Equipment Involved: Me, Stranger, Nevermore, Corsair, Badger, Kraken, Charybdis, Dr. Edwin Jarius, and
Lianhua Zhang

After explaining the objective to the XI-8 that my goal in this test is to try and trade up the sarkics to gain a disguised sarkic through 914. The Flamethrowers would be used if the sarkic is aggressive and attacks us directly.

After Preparing a tesla coil in 914 at the output I had begun the test putting the sample through first.

Results: After putting the first sample in, it came back to life and didn't falter to my tesla coil as I had hoped. It had been killed and put back through on 1:1 where it became a bloated sarkic and blew up. I recovered the organs and scooped the flesh back into 914 where I put through on fine. After doing so it put out another sarkic minion where it was killed then burnt. 914 began to malfunction and become stuck on "very fine". We tried to push it back but it was no use. WE used WD40 and it still remained stuck. 914 input door closed on it's own just before I could verify there was no blood in there. Fortunately enough 914 didn't seem to have anything go through the output. After stranger had stopped the testing we assumed it was concluded due to nothing else occurring. Foundation lights went out as a scream was hear through out. Whispers began and headphones were used. A portal appeared in medbay that led to HCZ acid pit. I would assume the test was the cause of this but sarkic attacks are random. Luckily nobody was hurt in the process. In the end I never attained anything but to see that a sarkic minion was able to awaken a higher level sarkic from what had been seen.

I never attained a disguised sarkic. We need to identify such through safer methods without the use of xray due to radiation. We also need to capture a disguised sarkic using mimicry to hide their mark and the normal signs as seen through a normal disguised sarkic.

Images / Videos (Encouraged But Optional): None.

Additional Comments If Needed: We need to identify a safer method to figure out who is sarkic and who isn't. These sarkics are only growing more powerful as time continues. The Sarkics are killing more and more and humanity will die if we do not eliminate the threat.


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