Refinedpetroliums EC app

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SCP-RP Moderation
SCP-RP Moderation
Jul 18, 2024
What is your name?

What character(s) do you play?
John bass (ntf) sad bones (dclass)

What is your SteamID?


What is your timezone?


Are you 14 years of age or older

Current play time on the server? (You must have a minimum of 5 Days on the server)
2w 20hrs

EC Based Questions
Why do you want to join the EC team? (200 word minimum)
i want to join EC as well because it seems fun and i want to do some events that i want to do as well as build story's inside the zenith project universe or just create fun events or little funny characters to keep people entertained because its fun to have a laugh from time to time i also I'd like to practice building better with a toolgun and have people help me through the process i also have a ton of little scenarios and other roleplay scenes i wanna do plus it seems fun to be a EC and it gives me something to do while i wait on reports or when i have to deal with admin sits/gives me a break from those activity's and when i have time i would focus on doing small rp scenarios like a scavenger hunt or something like that or if i feel like going all out i would do a big event involving monsters or scps and plus its fun being a game master and giving players something to do besides the normal rp because if we didn't have EC in the server it wouldn't be as much fun i also really like the servers tools and items you have at your disposal for these events and i like the community when it comes to the wide range of events because most people here are chill and it would be fun to show them what wacky or fun event my braincell can come up with

Why should we accept you in the EC team?
i believe that i can bring a lot of events that cater to everyone because i want to do small events and even large events for every faction and person and possibly make the players work together (or even against each other) in some events and bring some goofiness to players (not over the top and annoying) but importantly make big or small events for everyone so they can have fun plus if I'm allowed to maybe even make my own little story events or help out in a main story event

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Gmod tools?
5 cause i know the basics of them i just have never used them all because i don't build contraptions a lot but i am fine with building areas if I'm taught how to properly

What is the purpose of the EC Team?
the purpose of EC is to design monitor and build events for players inside the server but also spices things up besides the general rp and keeps the players engaged and keep everyone having fun and happy but they are also responsible to making story events that expands on the lore of the server (like the sarkic saga)

If accepted into the EC team, do you have any event ideas that you would like to host?
when i get accepted at first i would most likely monitor other event coordinators and see what they do (as well as help if i am needed to) but once i am comfortable with myself and what i have learned i might do a small event like a wendigo event but have a priest come to town hunting for it at the beginning and time later the wendigo comes out and kills the priest and its up to the players and there devices on what to do next or have an event where a necromancer comes out of sewers with a small team of zombies and skeletons and its up to the foundation and dclass to figure out how to stop/contain him or i want to have a event where people start to go missing in some area on surface and when people get there to figure out what's happening a ufo comes out and starts releasing aliens and everyone has to defend town from the invasion

EC Rules

Do you understand that your event ideas may be denied by SEC's and LEC's, even if it was previously accepted?

Do you understand that abusing your EC abilities will result in removal from the EC, and may result in a ban?

Do you understand that if you are caught using blacklisted props or models, you will receive a punishment?


Do you have a mic?


Do you have TS3?

Do you have a Discord account?

EC meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST, will you be able to attend these meetings?

Do you understand that your steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] [NAME] [TEC]? yes
Good evening! we are reviewing your app. if you have any questions please message myself Lune_Light or a SEC or LEC have a lovely day!
Good evening! After reviewing your app we as the EC Team have decided to deny your application for the EC team, if you have any questions please message myself Lune_Light or a SEC or The LEC on Discord have a lovely day!
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