Prox's CI application

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New member
Jul 27, 2024

Section 1 - In Character Questions​

What is the purpose of the Chaos Insurgency? To Experiment and weaponize SCPs. They are here to "broaden" humanity.

What skills can you bring to CI?: Combat, Personality, ETC. Not much I can say about it, it is what it is

How do you treat these jobs when raiding?
Safe & Euclid SCP’s: Ignore them, not very useful. Although if its an SCP raid we can take em.
Keter SCP’s: if in an SCP raid we can take them if not best to avoid them and ignore
D-Class:help escape
Non-Hostile Staff (EX: Nurses, Doctors, Researchers): Ignore
Foundation Security (EX: SA, GENSEC, NTF etc.): Kill

Do you have any past experience as a Chaos Insurgency? Yes, I played chaos on this server a long time ago and was a Chaos LT on Gaminglight

Which positions are you interested in or stay in the future (Enlisted, NCO, CO)? A CO is the position I am interested in for the future

Why do you want to join the Chaos Insurgency? (Minimum of 100 words for this question):
I would like to become apart of the Chaos Insurgency because I want to have fun. My Friend who is named Costco told me they are the chilliest people on the server so I think I wanna have another experience with them. I was going to try to get recruited as a civilian but was told it was a rare occurrence so I thought I would just apply instead. I am really skilled and think I would be a great asset to the chaos insurgency and their staff. I also happen to know some of the people on this server so I think it will be a good one.

Have you read over the CI SOP? ( Yes

Section 2 - OOC Questions​

Have you ever been removed from this Job? ( If so, explain why - This does not include wipes):No (It was in a wipe)

What is a /me? Give an example: /me checks the water to see if its posioned

What is a /roll? Give an example: /roll is after a /me action.

If someone performs a /me against you, what do you do?: roll if its valid

What is power gaming? Give an example: Power gaming is the act of doing something to give you an advantage such as dropping a weapon on the floor and then picking it up

What is RDM? Give an example: RDM is Random Death match, an example of this is just shooting a random CI in the back of the head as a CI

What is the NLR rule on the server?:When you die I believe its 3 minute NLR for CI or 4 and for a raid its 30 mins or until it's over.

Do you understand that in CI it is important to RP when you get the chance, and whenever you are able to? (Yes/No) :Yes

Do you understand that you still need to finish CI basic training after application is accepted? (Yes/No) : Yes

Section 3 - OOC Information​

What is your in-game name? Prox

What is your discord name and number? (EX: Mal#6750)Prox7116

What is your steam ID? (EX: STEAM_0:1:102324524) STEAM_0:1:14248048

What is your time zone? CST

What's an estimate of how many hours you have on the server? (Use !time in-game to see.) over a week

What days of the week can you be more active? Anydays I can be on 1-2 hours a day

Notes for you to remember:
(If your application is accepted, you will be whitelisted to a CI Initiate, from there a NCO+ will train you.)

Ask a staff member In game to get you your whitelist!
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