Project Null - Dr. Steven Murphy - Advancement #1


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024
Level 1/2/3/4/5 Clearance Required
Assigned Research Personnel Authorized Visual

Research Database
Dr. Steven Murphy Projects
Project "Null" - Lead Researcher: "Dr. Steven Murphy" - Advancement #1
Beginning Log:

"It's... been, very dangerous and chaotic.
Alright, lets get this started.

Hello, my name is Dr. Steven Murphy. An assistant researcher of Site-73.
A test, a cross-test to be exact, between SCP-106 and SCP-294 was conducted.
The test idea was simple, yet risky.

A cup of death from SCP-294 was to be utilized against SCP-106 to understand SCP-106's resilience against even the most pungent of substances.
In order to ensure SCP-106 was not terminated from this test, it was decided to gather a sample of SCP-106's goop from his containment cell, the risky part.
I brainstormed a set of instructions to ensure nothing could go wrong. The set of instructions were simple.

Due to SCP-106's nature of him always being "asleep" or at-least motionless for a long while, it was agreed that lowering the containment cell very briefly and insert a D-Class with some form of PPE would be an acceptable risk. A D-Class would be on stand-by near the location to ensure SCP-106 was able to be contained rapidly. The tests began, a rather large force of armed security personnel were present, ranging from General Security to Nine Tailed Fox. Upon lowering the containment cell, many personnel reported hearing SCP-106. This was an unnatural state of SCP-106, something unexpected. SCP-106 nearly instantly exited the cell before the door was opened, he came out and unexpected behavior took place. SCP-106 stepped out of the containment cell, did not attack personnel and began to talk. The primary step was assumed to be a failure at this point. SCP-106 was quite angered with the fact I was attempting to utilize a cup of death against it, unknown how he was aware of the information. It was quite... concerning and anxiety inducing. After minutes of SCP-106 speaking to Site Personnel, he began to attack. His primary targets appeared to be myself and the assisting researcher, Dr. Turner.

SCP-106 breached at this point, though the D-Class who was given the tools needed to gather a sample was able to get away. It was assumed that the D-Class, named "Quetz" would have been consumed by SCP-106. Thankfully, moments later after SCP-106 was breached he went in, gathered a sample and handed it to Dr. Turner. Dr. Turner was taken by SCP-106 but was able to escape the containment cell. He was able to keep the sample in tact. D-Class "Quetz" also remained alive. I took shelter, as instructed by Nine Tailed Fox so for the rest of the breach I am unable to report. SCP-106 was finally recontained, I left shelter and looked for Dr. Turner and "Quetz". Dr. Turner approached me and gave me a sample of SCP-106, it turned out that the primary goal was completed successfully.

Unfortunately, it was noticed that "Griff" was significantly injured from SCP-106. A fault that I take, a failure I gained and the blame I shoulder.
Overall, the mission was successful."