Prescription Log: Nu-7 Augustus Konstantin


Event Coordinator
Community Advocate
Event Coordinator
May 4, 2024
California :)

User Information:
Prescribed by: MO 'Orthodox'
Prescribed to: Nu-7 Augustus Konstantin

Medication Information:
Name of the medication: Sertraline (Generic: Zoloft)
Prescribed for: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Dose per pill: 40mg
Usage: 1 Pill Taken Each Morning With Water, With Or Without Food
Duration: 1 Week, Watching For Effectiveness Or Side Effects.

Note: Individual Placed On Non-Combative, Mandated Therapy With Psych Lead Until Condition Improves. Individual Poses Significant Threat To Personnel Safety While Enduring PTSD Attacks. Placed On Watch For Changes In Behavior.