Mod app

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SCP-RP Moderation
SCP-RP Moderation
Event Coordinator
May 4, 2024
Staff Application
What is your OOC name?


What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold.

2LT 'Platinum' / CI INT Johnny rights

What is your SteamID (i.e. STEAM:0:0:1203929)?


What is your Discord Name (i.e. grimothy)?


What is your timezone?


Are you 14 years of age or older?


Your current playtime on the server?

1 Month 1 week 4 days

List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):

1 ban for a reason I though was a PFP reason

What is your availability?

Weekdays 3PM-11PM | Weekends: Anytime

Staffing Related Section
Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum)

I would love to join the moderation team so I could help the community and the mod team in many ways such as dealing with people that are being very toxic to someone, when someone says some nasty words to somebody. I would also help in a sense like, "How do I get trained" or giving tips from the rule book to help someone. Another reason why I would like to join the staff team is so I could know the way how to moderate on this server and other servers. I would also like to be in a spot on staff that would help other Admins, and mods with questions, help with bans etc. I can also try to give out non biased opinions if I was not near the comms, The Problem that happened since i had no part in whatever got the ticket made in the first place. I will also be there to help other TM's when I become a Senior Mod. I could also help with branch blacklist's by looking at the logs so they could really blacklist the person in question. I will always ask for help if i am stuck with a ticket of some sort.

Why should we accept you into the staff team?

I could get the feel of moderation and know what to do When a new server comes.

What staffing experience do you currently have?

If it counts EC, I sometimes help a mod when i am needed

Rule-based Questions Section
Define RDM:

RDM is like, say if a random gensec PVT just guns down a D-class worker even when they knew D-class workers are good to the foundation. Or if a D-class randomly starts to shoot without an Valid RP reason

Define Metagame:

When a scout says "I'm in vents" in their comms. Then NU-7 goes to vents, it would be metagame since they don't have those comms. Or when someone says they are in Medbay in OOC chat and a d-class goes there just to kill them would be metagaming

Define NLR:

NLR is new life rule, When you die, you have to stay in bunks for 2 minutes, 20 minutes if there is a raid.

Define FailRP:

FailRP is when someone randomly speaks OOC in a IC matter

Situation-based Questions Section

Player “X” reports player “Y” for RDM, the logs show that player “Y” did kill player “X”, both players are GenSec trainees. Player “X” states that there was no reason for him to be killed, player “Y” states that they were in an argument, player “X” made a nasty remark and player “Y” killed him for it. Neither party has a recording of the interaction, and no witnesses have come forward with any more information, what would you do?

Ask for help with the situation and talk with both players since one could be lying about the other player. And if they both don't say one was lying, Verbal warn them both.

Player “A” reports player “B” for saying a racial slur, player “A” is uploading evidence, but it is taking a few moments. During this time, player “B” admits he used the slang term towards another player on the server. After receiving the video, you notice that player “B” in fact did say in it a greeting manor and not a confrontational manner. How would you handle this sit?

It honestly does not matter if you say it in a greeting matter or not, if you are caught saying it you will be punished

Communication Section

Do you have a mic?


Do you have TeamSpeak3?


Do you have a Discord Account?


Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).


Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]?
Welcome to the Zenith Project SCP-RP Staff Team!
Expect to be reached out to by a member of Administration for Training.
If you do not hear from anybody within the week, feel free to reach out to any of them.
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