Mission report


SCP-RP Moderation
SCP-RP Moderation
May 14, 2024
This report was not done by me and in no way do I take any credit for what is said below, the creator of these words were from GENSEC SOM 'Pan'. This report was briefing on a raid and how it could have improved. And what went wrong, this is for learning use only.

Today, the Foundation had a successful hostage raid against CI. We managed to secure an Agent from another site safely back to the Foundation.

Here's some pointers I've taken away from this which can be used in future raids:

"Who Attended from GS?"
Myself, as a Heavy Operative (Radant)
SO Kelsier, as a Heavy Operative
CSO Johnson, as an ERT

"What Went Well?"
Communication was great when it mattered.
And in some cases, it saved our lives! I think it never hurts to talk so long as things aren't too loud. While in a raid, call out your intentions, who you want to help and how you'll do it. Plan and attack as quickly as you can when the opportunity rises. Call out what you see as well.

The heavies were excellent sponges.
It's a good idea to switch out with your other heavies whenever you get below half health, get healed, then switch again. If you take turns, you lay down constant attack and fire. Sometimes, this can turn the tide in combat.

Heavies used their shields, and this literally allowed us to push up and complete the raid successfully.
Your shields are the greatest utility you have as a heavy, so you should use and abuse them. Walk up while a heavy is behind you and laying down fire.
In future, we should do this more often. I don't see shields used too much in raids.

"What Went Poorly?"
IEDs killed 2/3 raid leads not even 5 minutes into the raid.
Having our 3rd raid lead really helped, but it helps us understand that if any of us are leading a raid, we shouldn't move up first.

^ Because of that ^, communication dropped off at some points.
Sometimes, we're the first force to push up and try and attack in a raid. In this case, it's important to keep communication consistent. Keep talking, otherwise people will start to lose sight on what they're doing!

I think it's super important to build up general chemistry and coordination for times like this. If you have any ideas for raid tactics or wanna add on to any of my points here, please feel free!


// Some of it was altered so it could fit more in RP.