[LVL 2] Uncontained Anomaly: Sentient Objects


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

Investigated by Dr. Jacob Flynn



Personnel Involved: Dr. Jacob Flynn, and other miscellaneous NTF, and XI units.
Physical Description: The Sentient Object, or objects show to be a random assortment of random objects that you'd typically see in your everyday life. Such notable as a trash can, a desk, an office chair, a milk jug, a printer, etc. Seemingly able to be as any inanimate object that you may just see as you walk by it in the streets or in a market.
Interaction Log: Interaction with the inanimate objects began when multiple NTF units and a Researcher "Dr. Apollo Flynn" discovered a bathtub which was leaned up against a wall. Initially wondering as to why a bathtub was in the open it suddenly began to move, fleeing from those pursuing it. The abilities of these objects appear to be consistent with one another, and are difficult to simply catch. Producing makeshift systems that would align with their current object in order to escape whomever may be pursuing them. As one example, a milk jug producing an outer liquid making it far too slippery to hold normally. These sentient objects have also been shown to Electrocute, and Slap/Push random nearby personnel. They appear to have very limited communication skills, typically speaking without any prior interaction what the object is. Such as the 'milk jug' running around saying 'MILK' constantly. Aside from this, they also show to be able to mimic sentences/words that nearby human personnel have spoken. Besides their abilities, they also seem to show a sign of durability, directly related to what object they are. A simple pop can being generally easy to deal with, as opposed to a big metal desk which can take a hit. On the other hand, these sentient objects have proven to be somewhat 'compliant', though not fully. It may be possible to contain them in an ordinary room with no clear exit, much like some containing other scp's as of making this article.

Anomalous Abilities:
1 - Has the ability to electrocute and slap nearby personnel.
2 - Has the ability to crudely communicate, mimicking nearby personnel sentences if heard.
Images / Video:
Oh hey, I remember this.


If only I was still a researcher with that specific name.