[LVL 2] -"IceBox Suit Creation"


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

“IceBox Suit”
Recently, a skeleton by the name of Diego came to the research bay, requesting assistance. He appeared to be fading away, and says that he may have only 3-4 days left to live. From what I’ve heard from him, he has organs, though they are invisible underneath his skeleton. An example being where if you tried to poke him through his ribcage you’d feel the “goop” from his insides.
My idea in order to sustain his life is to create a type of artificial “suit” around him, at this point in time (Sat. July 1. 2023.) I am currently thinking up ideas on how to create the suit…
4 Days left.
He’s told me how he got to where he is now:
-Woke up in janitors room
-Surrounded by red fire
-In a lot of pain went away in 5 minutes.
-Can’t pass out, can’t have panic attacks, cause he’s a skeleton, can’t cry.
I’ve placed him into the medbay in Cold storage, this should hopefully extend the duration of his time before he fully fades away to at least 4-8 days.
I’ve successfully coded 5 microchips to directly connect to what I’m working on, these will ensure that the suit works without fail.

THERE IS NO TIME FOR LOGISTICS – There is a mass breach, and a raid happening at the same time, I NEED TO WORK ON THIS. NOW.
I’ve set up a large coolant container, and attached several steel pipes to it for it to be attached to a ‘backpack’ of sorts.
I’ve successfully attached steel fibers all around the coolant to protect it from elements. I’ve added layers of heat resistant cloth to the backpack, as well as installed the chips into it so that it functions properly.
I’ve now successfully finished the torso-piece of the outfit, the chips are settled in place, now I need to finish the helmet, and the rest of the limbs.
The limbs have been successfully made as best as possible.

Final notes.
The suit works, but it doesn’t stop his decay. Diego has advised me to simply tell the foundation of his passing, believing I’ve done all I can do. I can’t say I blame him given the timeframe this had to be completed in. Goodbye diego, godspeed.

-The suit worked just as it had in the medbay cold storage, but given my timeframe I couldn’t make the coolant any stronger that was stored in the backpack of the suit.
-Do not get it wrong, the suit worked. But Diego’s situation was far too intense to fully stop his decay.
-I have alternative ideas for this suit, should I be permitted to create more. I’ll make a full blueprint of it in time.

<Google Doc>

Dr. Jacob Flynn.