[LVL 2] 999 Lingering Effects Test


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

Investigated by Dr. Jacob Flynn

Personnel Involved: Dr. Jacob Flynn, and another unknown researcher (If you read this please let me know, I have forgotten your name in my time writing)

This test was conducted in a different manner, as it is known Scp-999 can basically make seemingly anyone feel less miserable, or rather the polar opposite of being depressed. However, an unknown researcher whom I have forgotten conducted a test, where D-Class Subject 9811 "Polkadot" was exposed to 999, and then later locked in a confined space with glass walls and several cameras surrounding their enclosure. 9811 "Polkadot" after being in the enclosure for around ten to thirty minutes, showed no faltering signs of side effects from being away from 999. They were still at this point in time relatively happy, occasionally laughing at the researchers expense, who had dropped several glass bottles, underestimating their strength. Aside from this however, the unknown researcher decided to feed 9811. However rather than an average meal, he somehow managed to drag in 682 food, in this case was a massive steak. This steak appeared to be at least 7 feet in height when laid down flat next to a person, and around 6 feet wide, despite the steak's massive size however - the 9811 was able to ingest the steak in one fell swoop. Definitely unusual, though initially chalked up as a mistake on the researchers part. However it was then shown that 9811 had the capability to eat an entire potted plant, the ones we usually have in our offices that are fake. Even the clay pot and soil inside of it...

To my knowledge there has been no other examinations of 9811, however aside from the abnormality in eating I would say that 9811 is far better off now, albeit a bit 'heavier'. The affects of 999 don't seem to have worn off just yet, but I suspect they will in a day or so. They've since then been brought back to D-Block and continue with their normal lives.
-End of report-