[LVL 1] - Gensec Security Interview regarding "General Opinions"


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

Gensec Security Interview
"General Opinions"
Conducted by Dr. Jacob Flynn


Interviewee: Gensec Security "Jack Thatcher"
Interviewer: Dr. Jacob Flynn
Subject "Jack Thatcher" prior to the interview was most likely at his post going along with his original duties. A Colleague of mine, Dr. Krill Man, I sent to collect an experienced security officer to which they returned with Jack. The interview went as such;

Question One:
"How experienced in your line of duty would you say you are?"
"I'd say about 95% experienced, I know nearly every place and how to deal with stuff other than level five areas."

Question Two:
"Overall, on a scale from about one to ten, how would you say your time in the facility has been?"
"I'd say 8. There are a few people, including D-Class who are a bit rude or power hungry, but they eventually stop that later on."

Question Three:
"Is there anything in particular, in D-Block or the facility, you would consider unhealthy or unsafe for your work environment?"
"D-Block is very unsafe but that's how it is. But, I think we should try to have more control over those places and maybe more vantage points."

Question Four:
"What are your opinions on the D-Class?"
"I think some of them are nice and trustful, but others are just plain blood thirsty. Some though I would consider friends, even if they are dangerous."

Question Five:

"Do you, personally have any violent tendencies, or any thoughts of deserting your post at all?"
"Not really, I sort of want to stay in this position."

Question Six:
"Have you ever considered doing the 'unthinkable' to yourself to avoid being remotely apart of this facility?"
"I think I'd rather use amnestics instead, but I don't currently think about that stuff. I'm fine with the facility."

Question Seven:
"Personally, do you think there is anything that could be improved within the facility?"
"I think we should have more control over dangerous areas, and I was even thinking about maybe gensec not being apart of the starter branch. Mainly because a lot of the security here is under experienced and don't deal with things properly."

Question Eight:
"How do you feel about your fellow security officers?"
"Most of them I like, and are relatable. But the newer ones are still working out their inexperienced stages and are becoming easier to deal with. Overall, okay."

Question Nine:
"Overall, would you say you feel safe in your current working position?"
"Yes, but only if I have proper equipment or reinforcements incase anything extra happens."

This interview was Conducted with 1 Colleague present, "Dr. Krill Man" present as the man who brought Gensec "Jack Thatcher" To be interviewed in the first place. He has since then gone back to his duties and is most likely guarding D-Block.
What can we gain from this interview?:

I noticed personally from this interview, that both this gensec security guard and D-Class I had interviewed prior to this interview both shared similar thoughts with only minor variables. Both believe that some, or rather the D-Class believed the security officers to be bloodthirsty and trigger happy, whereas the security officer believed some D-Class to be blatantly bloodthirsty. Both of which are words that were used in both interviews by two different individuals. However, the security guard deems that the working conditions for themselves could be better. Given more vantage points to deal with unruly D-Class, and a better flow of colleague security forces that know what they're doing, somewhat similar to the first D-Class interview believing the security force should be more thoroughly trained. Overall, he believes that both he and his colleagues are safe enough to a certain extent. There's not much I can say, as the points that the Gensec Security Guard mentioned were mirrored in what the D-Class said. I hope that somehow though this shed light on a few other misc issues.
-Dr. Jacob Flynn.