> Log 714-B-3 | Dr. Walker


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024
[SCP Foundation]
[Level 2 clearance needed from this point forward]
Research log 714-B-3
>Test conducted by Dr. Walker
>Test aided by Medical PV2 Frog Thighs
>Test subject D-3449 ‘Jamal Jaquavious’

>>Begin log

I theorize that D - Class with extremely low mental capacity will have their mental capacity uplifted by SCP - 714. This is due to SCP - 714’s innate effect to change mental capacity. To date all subjects used in SCP 714 tests have been of normal mental capacity which brings in the question, is there a certain level or range of mental capacity SCP - 714 brings people to?

The D class for this test was asked a simple question, what is 2+2? The D class answered ‘57’.
Background check of the D class showed that the D class prior to conviction was deemed mentally retarded, it is unknown why he was sent to the foundation as opposed to a psych ward however those are not questions for me to answer. - Dr. Walker

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Test events, in order.
>D class was brought into range within SCP - 714, due to the nature of the D class’s mental capacity he had to be seduced by M&Ms that the doctor walked kept on hand. He was talked into putting on the ring.

>After 34 seconds fatigue set in, D class began showing less energy, less active.

>After 40 seconds the D class was asked the same question, “What is 2+2?” The D class would go on to answer 7.

>After this point the effects of 714 fully kicked in and the D class passed out. The ring was taken off, the class D was amnesticized and taken back to D block.

>>Begin log
Taking the original answer of the class D that being 57 and subtracting it by the class D’s second answer that being 7 we get 50. By Dividing the remainder by the original answer we get the success rate in terms of percentages. All the basic math accounted for, we’re left with an 87% success rate meaning the Class D was 87% closer to the desired answer. We’ll have to look more into this SCP and do further testing in the future to confirm these numbers, however they suffice for now and are a starting point. - Dr. Walker
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