>Log 427-W-1


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024
[SCP Foundation]

[Level 2 access needed beyond this point.]

Research log 427-W-1
>Test conducted by Dr. Walker
>Test aided by 'a great amount of personnel, around 12 or so security.'
>Test subject D-3449

>>Begin log

To: Dr. Goodrow
FROM: Dr. Walker
Subject: Surgery in the incinerator.
Evening Doctor, I'm reaching out to you today to get a test approved personally as if I asked from anyone below you, they'd have to ask you either way. Recently I looked into SCP 427. It's made me realize, we know very very little about the biological make ups and functions of the SCP-427-1 instances, that being the fleshy monster that the subject is turned into when they have the locket for longer than 4 minutes. I was wondering, since as of now the only effective countermeasure we are aware of is extremely high temperatures, perhaps we can obtain a biological sample. Yes yes, this all sounds very dangerous as it'd mean we purposefully turn a D class into a 427-1 instance, however if you refer to the name you might make out my plan-which effectively includes obtaining this sample in the R wing incinerator room which has proven to indeed be able to reach extremely high temperatures when pushed to the max. The overall plan for the test is as follows: -Put locket on a Class D -Put the class D under the effect of enough anesthesia that they might as well wake up next Christmas, effectively putting him to sleep for the whole test. From here we have two possibilities:
A) God is on our side, and our luck works well. The flesh monster is effected by the anesthetics and turns without turning violent, giving us a means to take biological samples and then burn it in the incinerator without conflict.
B) We only have a narrow window of time to extract samples from the flesh monster before it begins attacking as it wakes up due to the possibility of the locket negating the anesthesia. THIS IS WHY THE SAMPLE EXTRACTION WILL BE DONE IN THE INCINIRATOR, LIKELY BY ANOTHER D CLASS.

I must also mention I have knocked up a great deal of security and armed personnel. I have as of the time of writing 8 people on standby ready to set up defensive parameters around R wing. (edited)

-Furthermore, I am able to secure more personnel to set up extra defensive parameters with he right equipment in order to ensure the test goes right. This is all very detailed and planned out, and I strongly believe all of the planning mentioned above can get us a fruitful and successful. -If this test is to succeed which i believe it WILL, we can have never seen before understanding of the SCP and if the case is that SCP 427-1 instances are formed in the future, be much better prepared to deal with them as their biology is studies.

So let us look toward a secured and contained future, - Dr. Walker
End Log<<

Events of the test as recorded by Dr. Walker:

>Begin Log
The procedure began in the anomalous items wing of the LCZ, the D class put the locker on. Immediately, our team which at this point was composed of some 8 security and NTF personnel began running. The timer was on, T minus 4 minutes until the forming of an SCP 427-1 instance.

T minus 3 minutes and 10 seconds, we arrive at the research wing, facility staff begin moving in all the necessary equipment effectively creating an improvised surgical environment inside of the research wing incinerator. With less than 2 minutes left, anesthetics are administered. The D class is given enough anesthetics to kill an adult elephant. Heavy use of high grade tranquilizers usually used for bestial like Keter class SCPs was required to put the D class to sleep in less than 15 seconds. T minus 40 seconds, defense parameters started being set up throughout the entire LCZ, and all facility staff were advised to be ready for a 427-1 instance breach.

T minus 10 seconds, Dr. Walker grabbed his scalpel and stepped into the incinerator, with order to the personnel outside to be prepared to close the door and light the fire at once. It is within these last 10 seconds that the SCP 427-1 instance began revealing it self. Then, the timer hit 0.

The anomaly was audibly described by Dr. Walker as a "Mass of biological matter with a humanoid like structure." The following is a directly audio recording of Dr. Walker after the test, describing the events of the surgery.

[Play tape.]
"In the last 10 seconds of the countdown I started seeing the subject transform. The D class's face began moving in a way that resembles idle muscle movement if it were to be upscaled greatly. The D class's skin began turning red in a way that resembled the very fascicles of the D class's muscles begin moving outward over the skin perhaps through the pours. In what seemed like no more than 4 seconds, the D class was completely un recognizable. It is here that I deemed the transformation relatively finalized, and took my sample. I made two insertion cuts around the upper chest of the D class, and took out a biological sample, putting it in a small container i brought in with me.

[End tape]

From here on, Walker rushed out of the cell as the 427-1 instance began showing signs of the anesthesia wearing off. Moments later, it did. As the instance got up, and began walking to the door, the agent standing by the controls shut the door and the order was given for the incinerator to be turned on. After half a minute of the incinerations process, the SCP 427-1 instance was deemed neutralize and the surgery to be a success, due to no casualties suffered besides the D class.

End Log<<


>>Begin log

The test, if it can even be called that-is to be considered a success. A sample of 427-1 was obtained, which does open the door up to a new field of study on the SCP and it's further instances. I'll have to study it more, and when finished I'll likely upload an experimentation log on it's affects. Many people found the test underwhelming, I don't blame them, however luck was on our side. If we ran into even 5 seconds worth of delay I would probably not be here to write this log and a possible breach of the instance could occur. That would... not be good. - Dr. Walker

End Log<<