> Log 049-W-A | Dr. Walker


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

[SCP Foundation]​

[Level 2 clearance needed from this point forward]

Research log 049-W-A [Designation given for the series of tests involved in the greater 049 project.]
>Test conducted by Dr. Walker.
>Test aided Dr. Acetoarsenite, Sec PVT 0081, various NTF personnel that came and went.
>Test subject D-3141 D-0049 'Jack Whittacker'

>>Begin log
I have a long and complicated history with SCP 049 and I take great interest in further understanding him. Hence, I do wonder what will occur if we dress a D class up effectively making an outfitted clone of SCP 049. I would surgically attach a mask to the mans face but that seems a bit to 'unethical' or whatever. Bureaucracy. Regardless, the supervisor was indeed an open minded man and did grant me permission to go through with outfitting a class D very accurately to replicate SCP 049. I will have to go through with picking a competent D class with a relatively good track record, I would be amazed if 049 doesn't instantly lash out and kill him. - Dr. Walker
End Log<<
[Events of the first phase of the test as logged by Dr. Walker]

>The D class was introduced to SCP 049. At first, Dr. Walker spoke on behalf of the D class introducing him as a man that shares great similarities with the real SCP 049. The real SCP 049 would go on to ask various questions regarding the origin of the Class D, to which Walker would respond with information that replicated the finding of SCP 049 him self. Some examples of this being that the replica doctor was found in the country of France, and that he also shares the same views on finding a cure to the pestilence. SCP 049 going against all expectations took keen interest to this and even stated that he respected the man. Further, he did confirm that at some point in time many people used to dress up like him and seek to eradicate a pestilence of sorts. However, as expected he never went on to confirm this pestilence being the bubonic plague. SCP 049 was then asked about his possible reaction to a scenario in which the replica doctor diagnosed him with the pestilence, to which he replied that "He would end up on my operation table." He would then go on to say that many years ago he cured him self of the pestilence and that it would be a great insult to him if he was to be diagnosed with it. We can effectively assume that the doctor is tolerant of those that see eye to eye with him however in his mind he will always have the final say on the pestilence. After some further theorized scenarios given to the doctor, it was deemed that the doctor was quite fond of the replica and did not have hostile intentions. The replica was removed from the cell, ending the first phase of the test.

[Events of the second phase of the test as logged by Dr. Walker]
>The D class was taken outside of the parameters of the cell, and put back into standard issue Class D outfit. He was then promptly returned to the cell with the instructions of no longer trying to mimic the doctor, but to simply show great respect and interest. When returned to the cell, Dr. Walker once again started the introductions. SCP 049 was asked several things, all fo which being relatively minor details which will not be included here for the sake of keeping things short. Regardless, SCP 049 was told that the D class in his cell was actually the replica from the prior phase of the test. At this point Dr. Walker even made remarks to the security staff which in his words stated "Get ready to drag a body out of there." However, once again to surpass all expectations SCP 049 not only did not act hostile, but stated that he would greatly respect the man if he was to be the replica. He even once again made mention of the 14th century and how people back then used to dress similarly to him with the same intentions. He further stated without being asked that he would even seek to mentor the D class if he saw eye to eye with him. The D class weirdly enough seemed quite fond of this and agreed while being in the cell with SCP 049. [See comments from D class in log below.] After some more minor questionings the D class was then taken out of the cell, however he was not amnesticized as per procedure. It seems as if Dr. Walker had something else in mind.

[Notable comments made by D class during the test]

"I am willing to take this mantle and be an apprentice to the doctor."

"I feel like this is my calling, I can contribute to humanity as a whole and make the world better."

(Note by Dr. Walker: I suspect that the D class's excitement about his potential future role is due to a chance to make up for his past mistakes. I'll have to look into his record further to see what exactly he wants to make up for.)

>>Audio log 049-W-A-1
>>>Begin Log
After some discussion with Dr. Goodrow who serves as the current head of research for the facility, I've managed to convince him of granting me permission for a special series of projects that will follow up on this test. I firmly believe that this is a great opportunity to truly understand SCP 049, his methods, and his origins better. This effectively has the potential to be the greatest scientific leap in our understanding of SCP 049 ever since we acquired him. With that said the class D has been predesignated to D-0049 for better tracking by security. He will be given special treatment in the form of constant surveillance to ensure his protection from other class Ds at all costs. If need be he will be moved to an upscale chamber all dedicated to him as to keep him safe from groups of interests in the future. I will to further discuss this with the security staff however as of now I've used my connections to get a few low rank grunts in security to keep constant watch on him. In due time I predict this Class D to become one of our greatest assets.
End Log<<<