jhon smithhs staff app

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jhon smithh

New member
Jul 4, 2024
What is your OOC name? my name is ian downs

What character(s) do you play? Please state the character's names and corresponding ranks, not just the IC positions you hold.
jhon smithh gensec sstg
nu-7 tr larry smith
ci pvt james smith
rescher dr. david smith

What is your SteamID:

What is your Discord Name:
jhon smithh/831763360114409492

What is your timezone?

Are you 14 years of age or older?
yes im 15

Your current playtime on the server?
my total time is 1w 3d 10h 3m.

List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none): List all of your warns and bans (N/A if none):
i was perma banned for spk my researcher while i got permission from the head of research in the end he said he didn't so I was banned i got mad at the fact of that and chose not to come back but a few months ago i wanted to come back so i explained my situation and got unbanned this is my only ban/warn

What is your availability?
almost every day 8pm-3am can get on sooner

Why do you want to join the staff team? (200 Words Minimum)
i want to join the staff team to help players' user experience aka have fun
I also wanna develop my ability to handle problems over stress or pressure to collaborate with other people as a staff member I would like to enhance community engagement aka RP like making stuff for people to do helping out new players on how to RP and the rules we have on the sever also would like to put a stop to loopholes or any exploits players are using also I want to improve my problem-solving skills with people because that is a great benefit for a leadership role or to get any job in today's life as a staff I would also focus on any questions and issues as soon as I hear them or get a ticket for someone and as good is rapidly adapting I would like to help the sever adapt with it making it better and a funner place for old and new members and Finaly joins the staff team would let me make the place I love and enjoy but would also let me make a positive impact on the server and that's all Thank you for considering my application!

Why should we accept you into the staff team?
I think you should accept me into the staff team because in my opinion, my interest are for the server to get better and to help anyone with problems or any questions they have my sole purpose is to help the community and people in the community if its this server or another or even in real life I would try to make them happy and experience joy in what we do or what they do I want to make it fair and just for everyone that joins they might be bad at first but I think we can help them because someone might just be having a bad day that why I think you should accept me into the staff team.

What staffing experience do you currently have?
i currently have 1 week of Gmod staff experience and 5 months of Pavlov scprp staff experience

Define RDM: random death match so another player kills a player for no reason
Define Metagame: to know something ur character has not so basically like peaking or assuming something u saw in OOC
Define NLR: new life rule it is where u forget all past actions and u wait a period till u start a new life
Define FailRP: is when someone goes out of character or they don't follow the roleplay
situation 1: in this case because they most likely just joined I would give a verbal warning to both act correctly and not kill fellow foundation personnel and then make them apologise to each other than i would keep a close eye on the two and if I get any more complaints see if there are witness and if there is footage i would give a punishment that fits what they did
situation 2: i would state to him that we do not use that language around here and i would give him a verbal warning making a note of his name and steam id but also marking it as he meant it is a non-derogatory way but more of a hi or hello
Do you have a mic?
Do you have TeamSpeak3?
Do you have a Discord Account?
yes here is my id 831763360114409492

Will you be able to attend the weekly staff meetings?
(Staff meetings will be held weekly on Saturday at 3:30 PM EST).
yes unless something comes up if so i will contact a higher up or tell someone
Do you understand that your Steam name will be required to be changed to [ZP] (name) [TM]?
yes im doing it rn
Due to the ban on your record, we'd like to watch over your activity for a bit longer.
You may reapply after 2 weeks (14 Days).
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