James scp-4563 app

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Captain Jake Will

Event Coordinator
Event Coordinator
May 14, 2024
What character(s) do you play?
NTF CFO jame jaston
What is your SteamID? (i.e.: STEAM_0:0:115561971)
What is your Discord username and Identifier? (i.e.: Innocent Traitor#3992)
What is your current playtime on the server?
Your total time is 5d 11h 14m.
Do you have any warnings or bans?
Have you ever been previously removed or blacklisted from this job?

SCP-Related Questions
Which SCP are you applying for?:
In your own words, describe this SCP. (100 words minimum):
Alex is a temperamental SCP that if it gets mad will turn into a scarctic entity. when enraged it will spread a infection that will cause others to turn into a hive mind entity.
Alex is shy and a tad bit weak willed tho is still meant to be treated with respect. He is to be maintained with daily walks and visits form d class. he is to be kept in the dark on where he is and that is a SCP
-1 are described as misshapen mass of flesh with regretting property's and with a instance urge to spread the infection

What object class is this SCP?:
How is the SCP maintained?:
by going on walks or being given d class

How does this SCP breach? What are their procedures?:
if neglected they can auto enrage or say passive but get mad

How does this SCP be recontained?
if enraged it can be talked down and convinced to go back to its CC or killed

Can this SCP be terminated? If yes, how so?
Yes by simply being shot to death

In order of true or false, state the following that applies to this SCP. Does it fear for its life? Can it open doors? Can it breach other SCPs? Can it enter D-Block?:
(Example, true, true, false, false)

Guideline-Related Questions
What is a roll? Give an example:
it is rng to actions EX: /me trys to steal the cup followed by a / roll
What is a /me? Give an example:
it is a action EX /me dances
What is FailRP? Give an example:
it its failing to do proper RP EX looking at CIs comms to learn there gonna raid soon without knowing IC
What is FearRP? Give an example:
FearRP is fearing for ones life EX you have no weapon out and there are 2 ci holding you at gun point preventing you from running away
Do you understand that as an SCP, you should focus on roleplay first and foremost and NOT solely on fragging/killing?: [Y/N]
Do you promise to act in good faith wherever applicable?: [Y/N]
Please reach out to staff to obtain your whitelist when on server.
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