INTERVIEW - 05/14/24 | Researcher ████████ with SCP-049


May 28, 2024
Interviewer: Researcher ████████
Anomalous Interviewee: SCP-049


SCP-049: "Good morning."

Researcher: "Good morning. I have some questions for you, 049."

SCP-049: "What is it?"

Researcher: "Just some rudimentary questions, wait one moment."

Shuffling of papers is heard as Dr. ████████ retrieves a folder from the bottom of a stack of documents.

Researcher: "Question one, 049. What do you think of the Foundation?"

SCP-049: "..They treat me well. They give me what I ask when I ask of it."

Researcher: "Question two. Have you ever had homicidal tendencies towards Foundation staff?"

SCP-049: "I'm sorry, what are we doing here, Dr. ███████████?"

Researcher: "You agreed to answer the questions, no?"

SCP-049 does not respond.

Researcher: "We'll skip that one. Question three, what is the origin of the Pestilence?"

SCP-049: (049 laughs as he takes a sharp exhale.) "The Great Dying. The Scourge! The wildfire that runs rampant throughout the globe. The Pestilence, yes. It runs through the veins. It hides itself in its victims. It tries to hide from me. I am the cure to this disease, this filth that has wrapped its sinister limbs around mankind. I am the savior to mankind. I am THE doctor."

Researcher: "I see. View these photos."

Dr. ████████ sets two photographs. One was D-9114 Eric Washington. The second photograph was what remained of him, stitches and open wounds around his body. His mouth was agape, his eyes gray and cloudy, looking aimless in 049's chair, yet living.
Researcher: "What is this?"

SCP-049: "..My cure."
Researcher: "You believe you cured this individual?"

SCP-049 tilted his head, a slight glint of agitation in his eyes.

SCP-049: "Are you questioning my legitimacy, Doctor?"

Researcher: "No, 049. I am simply stating.. your cure."

Dr. ███████████ cleared his throat.

Researcher: "Your cure results in the subjects.. resulting turning feral and hostile. They aren't.. human."

049's hands were bound as he stood up, his fist slamming against the steel desk in rage. The two Epsilon-11 units behind Dr. ████████ readied their weapons as 049 began to rant.

SCP-049: "My subjects were human! They are superior to your inferior race! You mortals don't get what I do. I am trying to save lives! What would you prefer, Doctor? The lives of your WORTHLESS colleagues or the lives of BILLIONS of other fucking people!"

049 slowly calmed, sitting down.

SCP-049: "Excuse my profanity."

Researcher: "I didn't mean to upset y-"

SCP-049: "Shut up. Get out of my fucking cell."

049 gestures his hands to the door, pointing. Dr. ████████ promptly exits the room with the Epsilon-11 units.


Dr. ████████ notes:

049 seems to have bipolarity. He is sensitive towards us prodding at the legitimacy of his studies. Better not to question.

Two sides of him. Jolly fellow, or a pain in our ass.

Final note: Be nice to him.
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