
SCP-RP Moderation
SCP-RP Moderation
May 14, 2024


SUBMITTED 3/4/2023

Note: I spent 10 years under uncle sam getting paid to be belligerent and paranoid, I gotta put it to use.

Ascertain any potential security gaps in the medical sector for future risk minimization. The potential security threats that were assessed for:
-Viral substances/organisms
-Unauthorized entry into critical areas
-Theft of sensitive information
-Theft of dangerous material or equipment.
-Active shooters
-Fire hazards
Viral substances/organisms analysis
Now on biosafety I only briefly worked at the "imnotallowedtosayastan" base before getting shipped elsewhere, so its not my best field, still got trained do it however. Now the current state of the joint is that its bio-safety level 1, which if you've ever been a tip below the iceberg of a hospital you've seen it. Now, here's the big fucking problem: There's no BSL-3/BSL-4 prepared area. If any viral anomalies enter the site, or something nasty from the book gets out, either you spray the whole damn sector down or incinerate every patient. Speaking of burning away nasty shit, no biohazard disposal in the sector itself. Trust me when I say you should be damn scared of an anomalous pathogen going out of control. Don't forget that the vents aren't filtered for chem threats,

Unauthorized entry into critical areas/Theft of dangerous material or equipment.​

Good news: That bureaucrat's office is secure, might need some security watching it every now and then so some card smuggler doesn't get in, but otherwise, it's the work of a pro.
Neutral news: The armory is secure, kinda, its really only gonna stop some nosy intern.
Bad news: Who the fuck made the surgery and medical storage rooms no clearance? Any guy can walk in and fuck with either biohazard material or an ACTIVE SURGERY!

Theft of sensitive information
The only thing to worry about is in the head office, which I already explained is clean.

Active shooter countermeasures
anyone dumbass enough to walk in is gonna get gunned down by like 20 armed docs.

Bomb threat countermeasures
No metal detectors, no EOD team, nothing, we will be fucked if a scout brings a bag and a bomb.

Fire hazards
Seems clean.

Professional physical security on everything except the thing the department specializes for. All my experience usually means the direct opposite happens when building a good fed fort. I wouldn't present a problem without a potential solution however, get some CBRN chumps or those eggheads to make a viral planning team, hell call down beta-7 if you can, a biothreat could wipe out a quarter of this damn place.​