[DECEASED] XI-8 SL 'Runaway'


Executive Advisor
Executive Team
May 3, 2024
This file is protected under [XI-8] clearance.



Name: N/A

Codename: 'Runaway'

Assignment: Site-73 | Mobile Task Force Xi-8 | "Heretic" Squad Leader

Status: Deceased

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Unknown, estimated to be during the year 1995.

Family: Unknown

Physical Description: 'Runaway' is a hispanic/latin-american man, roughly 190cm/6'3ft tall, with dark brown hair and eyes.


History before joining the Foundation has been removed from this file due to its sensitive nature, by request of 'Runaway'. If required, Contact MTF Central Command.

In 2015, the SCP Foundation selected the individual now known as 'Runaway', from a United States Penitentiary, to participate in the D-Class Program at Site-19. During a Site-wide containment breach, he adapted quickly and helped contain the situation, earning the respect of the Site's security team.

Due to this, he was offered a position on the security team. 'Runaway' accepted the offer, working for several years as a security guard at Site-19. He was a model employee, obeying orders and following protocol. Often described by his peers as being distant, objective and focused.

During the year 2022, he was recruited to join MTF Xi-8 "Last to Fall", and assigned to a squad deployed to Sites where undocumented Sarkic phenomena are detected. Receiving the codename 'Runaway', he was assigned to station at Site-73 during its inauguration.

After capture and subsequent torture by members of the Chaos Insurgency's local cell, Xi-8 Squad Leader 'Runaway' received lethal injuries. He was then declared dead during first-aid procedures.