CI-Timberwood War-7/3/2023


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May 4, 2024

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Report Author: Senior Intelligence Officer 'Onslaught'
Date of Incident: 7/3/2023
Known POIs/GOIs: Foundation, Timberwood, GOC, Chaos Insurgency, Commissioner Johnathan Commine

On July 3rd 2023 the Chaos Insurgency proceeded to launch a campaign against Timberwood that lasted several hours, the reasoning seemingly being the ban in place preventing the Insurgency from entering Timberwood. Foundation Personnel were dispatched to assist the Timberwood police force, defend and protect civilians and repel the CI assault. At some point during the attack the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) were sent in to assist the Timberwood forces. It is during this time that we were able to consistently repel CI forces with Timberwood forces and defenses remaining strong. GOC forces then received an order to pull out to where they then left Timberwood. After this it became increasingly more difficult to repel the CI forces, until eventually the defenses fell. After that there was a significant back and forth where we were able to still prevent a full CI takeover of town. This was kept up until Timberwood PD Commissioner Johnathan Commine was captured by CI. After that a raid attempt by Foundation forces to rescue Commine occurred where it failed. Eventually Johnathan was released physically unharmed to where he removed the ban on CI from villiage.

Bodycam Images:
Timberwood Image #1
Timberwood Image #2