CI 2LT 'Ratatoskr' DCB


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May 4, 2024
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Name: Ronald Fincher

Current Status:

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 6/27/1991

Place of Birth: United States of America, Florida, Miami

Position: Chaos Insurgency 2LT

Physical Summary: 6'1, mesomorphic build, scaring from surgeries and scars from being tortured, one prominent one being of the Grim Reaper.

Psychological Summary: Calm and focused man with a tendency to overwork themselves.

Disabilities: None

Skills/Attributes: Good with making drinks, trained
phycologist, skilled pilot, and good builder of mostly anything.

History: Born in Florida, USA, Ron went down a life of crime dealing drugs, weapons, etc. until moving to Canada for free medical bills and regrated it almost immediately due to the extreme cold compared to Florida but would later get used to it and started his work up north. One day he was approached to join a militia-based organization for some more money and would later on become very loyal to the cause of causing chaos to bring order to society thanks to the help from unknown objects he didn't know at first. As the years went on, he lost friends, got tortured, and it became personal between him and Foundation being in CI to get revenge along with new friends. Ronald has also specialized in many different fields, research, combat, and stealth operations. After a while Ronald took the mantle 'Ratatoskr' and became a 2LT of the CI, after everyone he had grown fond of died, and everyone he hated died, he came at a standstill and is now one of the many leading the bright future for CI Cell Ω.


Carol Fincher - Mother, recently deceased

Jacob Fincher - Father, Deceased




No one

Chaos Insurgency -They helped him become the man he is today.
Anubis -A good friend that he has worked with for a while now.

Jimmy Jhons #5 Vito sandwich

Trophies: A silver pocket watch he keeps to himself at all times and a Demarcus sword he plans on upgrading soon.

Additional Comments: Uses the cover 'Ron Fillars' whenever he is undercover as a civilian, businesses, or other instances.
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