=][= August 22 2024, Daily Report =][=


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May 4, 2024
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AUGUST 22, 2024: “SPIKEWALL initiating Directive Codes: Administrate, Classify, Reserve. Beginning report for AUGUST 22nd, 2024. SPIKEWALL received orders at 20:54 to Sweep and Screen the entirety of the site; EZ, LCZ, and HCZ had a negative on audibles or sightlines of abnormalities. GLCZ had a deviation in the air and audibles, SPIKEWALL reported to the Internal Affairs Department for report and advanced directive. At 21:17, SPIKEWALL received Directive Codes: Investigate, Screen, Prosecute from OVERWATCH. At 21:23, SPIKEWALL reports to GLCZ Temporary Containment Cells to administer advanced directives. At 21:27, SPIKEWALL reports nothing, receives a Bulletin to amputate all Political Conscripts wandering outside of the Detention Center. At 21:30, SPIKEWALL receives Directive Codes: Sweep, Prosecute, Coagulate, search for ASAC “Stenhouse” initiates. At 21:32, SPIKEWALL retrieves the aforementioned ASAC and enforces compliance and shadow to Garage. At 21:35, SPIKEWALL receives OVERWATCH Directive Codes: APEX, Enforce, Observe.

At 21:38, SPIKEWALL confirms the presence and arrival of Xi-2 “Kingsguard”, maintains APEX on OVERWATCH, uploads following data to PDA: POI has [5] Escorts, behavior includes, defensive nature, over protection of POI.At 21:54, OVERWATCH and SPIKEWALL coagulate POI and his Escorts to Floor 3 Meeting Room, POI has revealed Title, Designation, and purpose of visit: Advisor Zulu arrived for the trade off for Site-18 MTF Survivor “Overwatch”. Advisor reveals the aforementioned MTF Operative is possibly an Exogen; ALERT Status transitioned to ALERT TWO, sightline focus increased on MTF Operative. SPIKEWALL, “Overwatch”, and Exogen “Concord” are asked to leave. At 22:26, SPIKEWALL receives transmission hail confirming security of the Detention Center, SPIKEWALL reports unknown status, shortly thereafter, SPIKEWALL is ordered to confirm security status on the Detention Center; Directive Codes: Screen, Prosecute, Recall. SPIKEWALL converges on Detention Center, large commotion in front of Detention Center. Arsenal Outbreak confirmed, Detention Center ingress security confirmed, suspicious Political Conscript detained and screened; negative on daggers. SPIKEWALL initiates end code Recall. At 22:43, Advisor Zulu and Xi-2 Escorts vacate the site. At 22:44, Nutrition and Energy levels of SPIKEWALL have reached [LOW].

At 22:45, SPIKEWALL is ordered to remain at the Internal Affairs Department by OVERWATCH. At 22:47, SPIKEWALL is given radio of suspected Stealth Incursor, many Nu-7 frequencies detected on the aforementioned communication device. At 22:50 OVERWATCH leaves to return confirmed Stealth Incursor to the Chaos Insurgency. SPIKEWALL recommends to OVERWATCH for a full Nu-7 inspection, OVERWATCH acknowledges recommendation. At 22:54, Nutrition and Energy levels of SPIKEWALL have reached critical levels, imminent shutdown. OVERWATCH dismisses SPIKEWALL. SPIKEWALL returns to the Security Sector under following Directive Codes: Administrate, Recuperate, Reserve.

End of Report, SPIKEWALL reporting.”

End of transmission