
May 28, 2024
Hello Everyone!
Trigger warning, includes guns, blood, and gorey words.
This is article 2/6.



049 got up, standing over 096 as the Mobile Task Force units rushed in, guns pointed at the two. As they came to a halt, 049 looked down at 096. These men, they were here to capture and contain this child. This poor, sobbing, hurt child. He wasn't going to let that happen. Not now, not ever. 049 took a step forwards, coming to a halt in between the MTF and 096. 049 raised his bound hands at them before speaking. "I will not let you touch him." The MTF units shared a glance, one of them carrying a black woolen bag.

"Get out of the way, 049." The man in the front of the 4 units stated. 049 looked back at 096, feeling a hint of sympathy. Raising beneath that for these MTF that wanted to do nothing but hate, kill and torment poor children like this. Poor beings that want nothing but freedom and peace. 049 looked at the bindings on his wrists, pushing his hands apart as hard as he could. The MTF units stared in complete horror as the bindings snapped away, falling into the soil. His hands were still gloved.

049 took another step forward, the man in the front cocking his rifle.
"Stop fucking moving! I'll put a goddamn hole in your chest!" Beneath the white, beady eyes was a glint of emotion. Something 049 lacked yet expressed so much. He was made to care for, love, and cure. 049 took another step forward. Beneath all that, he experienced something he never did. Rage. As he took another step forward, the unit pulled the trigger. 049 hit the soil on his back, gasping for air.

As 096 heard the gunshot and 049 hit the floor, he glanced up from his knees and to 049. The one who had cared for him for just a short while. 096 stood and looked ahead at the man who shot 049. His puffy, pale and reddened face from crying.

A face they had all just looked at.

096 began hyperventilating, 049 gingerly standing. He watched 096 begin to freak out, to cry, to wail. He put his hands on his face, scratching and clawing desperately. The wailing turned to a full-blown screech. 096 raised his hands out infront of him, and began running. One of the MTF units sprinted back for the door in fear, gunshots ringing out and blowing through 096 as he ripped each of the units apart. 049's blurred vision cleared as he watched 096 follow the man who had ran through the door. 096 blew a gaping hole through it.

Alarms started blaring, 049's world spinning before he dropped his face into the soil. Minutes later, he came to. Red lights blared through the gaping hole in the wall. He stood up, stumbling forwards as he walked over the gore and rage that was splayed across the mist and soil. He walked through the gaping hole, even more and of it present. The work of the pained child. He looked around, seeing a hole in the roof. Two men laid under the debris, one having his leg stuck. He immediately recognized the two, still alive.

O5-5 and one of his Alpha-One's. He took a step forward, a pistol laying at his feet. O5-5 wheezed, looking at the Doctor. "Please.. help me get my leg out 049." The Alpha-One beside him was unconscious. Blood pooled at O5-5's leg. 049 felt rage for this man. The man who had sent that child to kill him. The man who had contained that poor, traumatized child. He felt hate for the first time. He felt anger. 049 crouched down, gripping at the pistol oddly. He used his memory to see how men of the MTF and NTF on how they carried them. He fixed his grip on it, awkwardly holding it. O5-5 responded to this with a pained laugh.

"Go ahead. Shoot me. Let's see if you even know HOW to shoot it." O5-5 laughed as 049 cocked it, a bullet in the chamber. He looked at it, inspecting it. He looked at a switch on the receiver of the gun, flicking it down. He lightly tested the trigger, not firing. He watched as O5-5 began speaking again, haphazardly pointing it at him. "You shoot me, and your life is worthless. Hell, it already was wor-" He was cut short by 049 shooting him in the neck. He gurgled, the red spray turning into a stream as it ran down his tailored suit jacket, soaking into the fabric.

049 stepped forward, placing his foot on the Alpha-One as he kicked him onto his back. He pulled the trigger again, shooting the Alpha-One in the side of the head. His body settled onto the metallic floor. He stepped over the corpse, gripping the bottle of water. He sat down next to O5-5, pouring the water on his shoes to rinse off the gore that had splattered onto them. O5-5 looked at him, still gurgling as a red spray came out of his mouth with each cough and wheeze. 049 spoke to him.
"I'd offer you some water, but theres a hole in your neck." He paused before continuing.

"This is a great reminder of things you should and shouldn't do in your last moments alive. This place will not be remembered. Your people, this Foundation, have always been chasing the cries of people and anomalies like me always seeming so near, but somehow out of reach. The memory of everything that started this can finally begin to wither and die. And to your other council members, they should be still and give it up. For most of the people that have passed in here, there is peace and perhaps an afterlife after the smoke clears. Although for you, the gaping pits of hell has opened to swallow you whole. Don't keep Lucifer waiting. This ends for all of us."

049 watched as O5-5 had a look of fear almost. A look of remorse, regret, despair. That glint of life and emotion withered out in an instant as he slumped over to the side, his body relaxing.

O5-5 was dead.

He stood and stepped out of the containment cell, going through the destroyed blast doors. Corpses and injured individuals laid about the hallways, crying out for guidance. Crying for their mothers. 049 looked at the floor, kneeling.

He wept.

ARTICLE 3 ON 6/6/24
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