
May 28, 2024
Hello Everyone!
Not many people use this forum thread, so I decided I'm going to be creating a short series based on 049. Give me feedback on each article in the replies. (Criticize me as much as you want)

- Oatmeal

Rumbling of the elevators that go into the EUCLID and KETER sectors filled the ambience in the cold, dimly lit interview room. 049's glowing white eyes beneath the ceramic mask stared ahead at the four individuals that entered the room. None of them sat down. They weren't familiar to him. Not Epsilon-11, not the General Security force. Not even the Mobile Task Force. 049 was.. puzzled.

Then a man in a light gray sleek suit entered the room sat down. His face was barely visible in the dimly lit room, but he was human. He had a pin on the lapel of his suit. It was pentagonal in shape, and in bold, whitened text it read:


049 couldn't believe it. His reverbed laughter softly echoed throughout the large interview room as he set his hands on the table. He had kevlar gloves on, and his wrists were bound with military-grade nylon. Two more guards stepped in the room. Alpha-One.

SCP-049 lightly cleared his throat before leaning forward and speaking.
"What could the Council possibly want from me?" O5-5 stared directly at him, sliding his hands onto the table as he leaned forwards. He pointed directly at 049 before speaking. "You are.. valuable to us." O5-5 slid a photograph onto the table infront of 049. 049 looked down, staring at the photo. It was a picture of a.. being. A tall, lanky figure sitting down. It was curled up in a ball, its hands on the back of its head. It's face tucked into its knees. It was nothing but muscle. It had frosty, white skin.

O5-5 tapped the photograph.
"You're being tested with another anomaly that is.. highly dangerous. Zero nine six." 049 thought to himself, leaning back in his chair. However, this was not a thing he could say no to. The Alpha-One at either of his sides forced him to stand, pushing him forwards as they walked out behind O5-5. Foundation staff in the hallways knew better than to look at O5-5. They walked, 049's head at the floor. Was this a test to kill him?

They came up to a set of large, steel blast doors. O5-5 swiped a red keycard into the slot beside the door. Then another set. Then another set. Then, they came up on a white door. A singular, white door. Atleast a dozen Epsilon-11 stood at the side of the room, standing tall. No windows. No cameras. 049 was pushed in as they opened the door, a faint white mist settling at the ground.

SCP-049 called out to the room, a large cherry blossom tree in the middle. He was standing on nothing but.. soil. No grass.

"Hello?" As he focused, a faint sobbing could be heard at the opposite side of the room. He walked through the mist, coming up on a large.. creature. The same one he had seen in the photograph a few minutes prior. 049 knelt beside it, it's sobbing growing louder. He set a hand to its shoulder. "It is okay, my child. I am here to help." He set his thick, leather doctor's bag on the ground. He felt it's latex-like skin, setting both of his hands to the side of its head.

He lifted its head gently to look at him. It's face was pale and red, it's eyes cloudy and white. It's eyes were swollen and puffy, like he had been crying for days. The creature pushed him away violently, sending 049 bounding across the room. He slid across the soil, knocked 10-15 feet away from 096. 096 stood up, covering it's face and wailing. It jumped up and down, it's wailing growing louder and louder. It finally stopped screaming, stretched its arms out infront of him and sprinted directly at 049.

049 braced his arms, ready to get torn apart. Destroyed by this creature. But instead, he was hugged. The creature, 096, dropped to its knees infront of him. It sobbed, hugging him tightly. 049 put a hand to its head, looking down at it. Slowly, he dropped down, sitting next to 096. 096 went back into the fetal position, curled in a ball. As minutes passed, 096's crying seemed to grow quieter.

For just a little while, 096 was loved.

For just a little while, 096 was cared for.

For just a little while, 096 had comfort.

Somehow it cried even harder.


If you liked this, let me know in the replies. This is going to be a 6 or 7 part series. In the second part, a breach will occur.

- Oatmeal