Anomalous Radio Test


SCP-RP Administration
SCP-RP Administration
Senior Infrastructure Staff
Community Advocate
May 4, 2024

SCP-914 Very Fine Radio Followup Test

Conducted by Dr. Leo Bloom




Test Idea: This is a test of the anomalous effects of the radio assembled by SCP-914 on Very Fine (documented here), specifically its affects on different Foundation radio channels. With the help of a Site Tech, we are going to create dummy channels with nearly identical names to all of the Foundation radio channels. Hopefully, this will "fool" the anomaly and get the same results as would the actual Foundation channels. We will send a message over each dummy channel and see how the radio receives it. Afterwards, a direct connection will be made between a standard Foundation radio and the anomalous radio, replicating personal comms. I will also give my own personal comms to the radio and see if the test message it affected in any way.

The D-Class conducting the test will be given another radio connected only to my own radio for direct communication with me and other personnel during the test.

Hypothesis: At least one channel will display anomalous effects, though I'm unsure what these effects will be.

Personnel / Equipment Involved: Dr. James Richter, Dr. John Newsman, Dr. John Crow, 1x Security personnel (preferably at least one NTF), 1x D-Class personnel, 1x anomalous radio, 1x Site Tech, 1x L4 personnel, 1x soundproof box, 1x standard radio with dummy comms (comms that emulate real Foundation radio channels), 2x wiped radios connected to each other, 1x noise-cancelling headset, 3x microphones on stands (for redundancy)

Results: This test is divided into three segments. First, we had the D-Class run through anomalous Channels 1-4.
  1. When D-5205 Not 'Mare' (who will be further referred to as Mare) tuned into Channel 1, he heard party music that sounded vaguely familiar to him, as is usually the case. We did not ask what the specific song was. This anomalous property is somewhat similar to the pleasant smells that SCP-999 emit, which also changes depending on who's experiencing it.
  2. When Mare tuned into Channel 2, it began to rapidly scrub through different radio frequencies. There was no correlation between any of them, not in topic, content, or even language. The channels the radio tuned to were in several languages, including Russian, Japanese, German, and many others.
  3. When Mare tuned into Channel 3, he reported that his vision became "wavy", resulting in minor motion sickness. After this, we paused the test so I could give Mare instructions on Channel 4.
  4. Mare tuned to Channel 4 for a short time before going back to Channel 1. This is because he heard a beeping noise, which sped up like a bomb. This is consistent with other tests on these channels.
In the second segment, we ran through all of the dummy Foundation channels that the Site Tech made, and we observed anomalous effects on a few of them.
  • Foundation - When a test message was sent through DF comms, the radio sent it out as Morse code. This Morse code translated into binary, and the binary translated into the test message.
  • Emergency Medical - Identical test message sent, and identical Morse code was played.
  • <Already tested channels skipped>
  • Level 2 - Identical test message sent, and identical Morse code was played.
  • Level 3 - Identical test message sent, and identical Morse code was played.
  • Level 4 - Identical test message sent, and identical Morse code was played.
  • Level 5 - When Mare switched onto Level 5 comms, the radio automatically switched itself back to Level 4 comms. When Mare held down L5 comms so the radio couldn't switch back, it played a loud, high-pitched screech. This sound induced bleeding ears, which stopped when Mare switched back to L4 comms. However, the dizziness and ear ringing remained in the D-Class. After this, Mare was sent to Medbay to receive Medical attention, and GENSEC SO Lefvo was sent to retrieve another D-Class.
  • XI8 - When D-2338 Rocky Balboa (who will be further reffered to as Rocky) tuned into DXI8 comms, identical Morse code was played as before.
  • IA - Identical test message sent, and identical Morse code was played.
  • OPEN - When Rocky tuned the radio to DOPEN comms, only static was played.
  • MTF - When Rocky tuned the radio to DMTF comms, the radio played deep, muffled voices, which spoke in various languages, including Russian, German, Japanese, Mandarin, English, and more. The voices continuously changed, and they all spoke one language at a time.
  • MD - Identical test message sent, and identical Morse code was played.
  • Channel 5 - We had Rocky tune into Channel 5, the final anomalous channel on the back of the radio. When he did, it played a very loud, high-pitched tone. This tone induced blurry vision, ringing in ears, bleeding from ears, numbness in limbs, and eventually loss of consciousness.
For the third and final part of the test, I disassembled the radio with the help of Dr. John Newsman. I took the radio, in the box, to the basement of Research, which was soundproof enough to keep the radio from compromising anyone in the main Research bay. While downstairs, we were able to turn the radio on and off at will, despite the fact that it was on Channel 5 before. When I opened the radio, all components on the inside were identical to regular Foundation radio components, except for one thing. Underneath the button for Channel 5 was a beating heart.

Following this, I got permission from GENSEC to put the radio in a soundproof box in one of the LCZ Temp CCs, to make sure it never activated out of nowhere in the middle of Research or anywhere else.

Images / Videos: Audio recording of test. Transcript of testing after Channel 3 below.

Spoiler: Anomalous Radio Test Audio Transcript (From Microphones)

Additional Comments If Needed: When we turned on Channel 5, we were unable to deactivate the radio until several minutes later, when it was separated from the D-Class. Based on this, I have a theory that it is hostile/predatory, and will "latch on" to subjects without ear protection, and can only be deactivated once there is no one lacking protection in its vicinity.


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